The system of work on the formation of the phonetic side of speech includes several stages: 1) preparatory;
The purpose and objectives of educational work in a speech therapy group. Educational work in a speech therapy group is different.
Lesson notes “The letter v and sound [V]” ALYONA Boltenko Lesson notes “The letter v and
2.6.4. Differential diagnosis of dysarthria from similar speech disorders Distinctive signs of erased forms of dysarthria from
Symptoms of rhinolalia With open organic rhinolalia, the cause of which was various congenital anomalies, the baby
Introduction The problem of studying and correcting specific disorders of written speech (dysgraphia and dyslexia) in children
Alalia is a severe delay in the development of a child’s speech, not caused by a decrease in hearing or intelligence.
Differentiation of paired vowels O-Yo (2nd grade) 1. Read and guess the riddle. Fill in the lost letters
Non-traditional exercises for improving articulatory motor skills Non-traditional exercises for improving articulatory motor skills Performed by Ayusheeva
Speech therapy is the science of speech development disorders, their overcoming and prevention through special correctional