Words ending with X (156+ words)
Word combinations and phrases starting with the sound X Word combinations starting with the sound X at the beginning, at the end
at what age do children speak
Development calendar: what a child should be able to do at 1 year old
November 22, 2016 Doctors and psychologists unanimously say: you need to start raising a child
Sound s.
The child pronounces the sound s and other whistling sounds incorrectly. What to do?
How to teach a child to correctly speak the sound s and other whistling sounds: articulatory gymnastics, staging
words with more letters than sounds
Words starting with B (at the beginning, middle, end of words and others)
 Reverse Russian dictionary (word endings in ББ-Зь) - Igor Garshin's website Garshin.Ru Lexicons
how to learn the alphabet
Game-competition “In the world of vowel sounds” for children of the senior speech therapy group of a preschool educational institution with their parents
A - Alyonushka’s “crying”; her mouth is open as wide as the ends of the letter
Treating hoarseness at home
How can you quickly lose your voice or make it hoarse?
The condition of a hoarse voice is a very unpleasant phenomenon. It is generally accepted that the cause of a hoarse voice
Sound [Z]
Lesson notes “Sounds [З], [З']; [Z] - [Z']. Letter Z"
Automation of sound 3 Before proceeding with speech correction, the speech therapist determines the cause of incorrect pronunciation,
Development of the pronunciation side of speech in normal and pathological conditions
Development of the pronunciation side of speech in normal conditions and in pathology Basic (key) concepts: buzzing, attack
Poems for developing memory in adults. Which ones to choose?
Hello, dear readers! Many people have heard that to improve memory you need to learn poetry.
Learning to read using the Montessori method: 5 games with sounds
Learning to read using the Montessori method: 5 games with sounds
Fans of early childhood development have more and more opportunities every year to teach children to count,
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