Game for developing fine motor skills
A set of exercises and games for the development of fine motor skills in children
Child psychologists have proven that the brain is directly related to a child’s ability to use
Syllables in English and their reading rules
Two-syllable words are... Division into syllables (examples)
How the closed and open syllables differ in English is not necessary to study if you
Figured cutting of vegetables and fruits with photos for beginners
Elena Pashkova Summary of the lesson “Vegetables” in preparatory group 1. Expanding the vocabulary on the topic: “vegetables”
Dysfunction of sensory systems (tactile, vestibular, proprioceptive, auditory, visual, touch disorder and taste disorientation)
Chapter 7. Impairments of consciousness (somnolence, stupor and coma) Impairments of consciousness are often found in medical
Types of nasal voice
Training manual for vocalists “How to correct nasality in your voice”
General description In recent years, doctors around the world are increasingly faced with the problem of violations
Boy and girl
How to develop a baby’s speech from birth to one year: recommendations from speech therapists
Speech is the highest mental function. It depends entirely on the level of development of the central nervous system
Burr in adults
Poems without sound [R] for the New Year's party in kindergarten
Automation of the R sound in adults depends on the severity and cause of the incorrect pronunciation. Correction process
Master class for speech therapist teachers Disadvantages of pronunciation of the sound “R” and ways to correct it
Types of sound disturbances [Р] and [Рь] Absence of sound. The sound is devoid of its inherent articulation, oh
tasks to develop the skill of distinguishing between soft and hard consonants
Lesson 1st grade learning to read and write Topic: "Hard consonant sound [sh] of the letter Sh, sh""
How to teach children to distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds The very first thing you need to teach
Development of a reading lesson in grade 1 “Sounds [dd,] [t-t,]. Letters D and T"
D, d - The fifth letter of almost all Slavic Cyrillic alphabets, and in Ukrainian -
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