Tachylalia and bradylalia are disorders in which the rate of speech suffers, becomes accelerated, or
Setting the sound “r”. Exercises and tongue twisters Many children have problems with incorrect pronunciation
Stuttering Stroke Encephalitis 5508 March 30 IMPORTANT! The information in this section cannot be used for
Automation of the R sound in phrases (with two R sounds in words): Even bars.
Rhoticism is considered to be a speech defect when the pronunciation of [r] is difficult or not possible at all.
Setting and automating the sounds “K” and “K” requires an integrated approach. Before your child's education begins
Home Directories Handbook of the Russian language for elementary school Sounds and letters Consonants
Tags: Speech therapy, Speech development, Development Methods and effective techniques for producing different sounds Getting started
Genres of journalistic style of speech are certain compositional and stylistic types of works inherent in the means
In the journalistic style of speech, there are 3 genres: informational (note, report, informational interview, blitz survey, obituary,