Rules of speech
Documentation and organization of work Speech therapy support within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO (documentation) Annual plan -
Differentiation of vowels I-Teaching and methodological material on the topic Differentiation of letters I-U Objectives: • teach children to differentiate
For a small child, the world of sounds and coherent speech is very complex, so adults should do everything possible to
In this article we will try to describe those exercises that, without much difficulty or risk,
Speech is the main tool for human interaction. However, adults often forget how complex
Mikheeva Mila Didactic games for the development of the syllabic structure of words Didactic games for the development of syllabic structure
Teaching coherent speech skills and encouraging a child with general speech underdevelopment to do so, a speech therapist teacher
Planning the work of a speech therapist teacher in a secondary school This material discusses the problems that arise when
LOGORITHMICS. G.A.Volkova Transcript 1 2 LOGORITHMICS is a system of exercises, tasks, games based on the combination
Finger gymnastics “Forest gifts” Forest gifts The animals came to the bear for the holiday. (index and