Rules of speech
Summary of the lesson in the senior group on speech development “Wild animals of Russian forests” Objectives of the lesson:
Prepared by: teacher - speech therapist Elena Sergeevna Rodkina, MBDOU "DS OV "SOLNYSHKO" Oktyabrskoye KhMAYU-Ugra Tasks:
A poem about the letter M for preschoolers *** Eight Mammoths on a tram There are not many places
Author's didactic game "Gromozeka" Goal: with the help of a multifunctional author's game to increase the effectiveness of speech therapy intervention,
The main areas of activity of a speech therapist teacher Nina Vasilyeva The main areas of activity of a speech therapist teacher The main areas of activity of a speech therapist teacher
System of work on the speech development of preschool children System of work on the speech development of children
Lesson summary: story based on a picture; plan-summary of a lesson on speech development (senior group) on the topic of State Budget Educational Institution
Functional speech system article on the topic Functional speech system To date, the brain has been studied
The second year of a baby’s life is the stage of primary language acquisition. The pre-speech stage has already been passed,
Notes on teaching literacy in the preparatory school group “Visiting the Wise Dwarf”