Speech development in the middle group of preschool educational institutions
The development of communication and speech skills, which includes enriching vocabulary and developing clear pronunciation, is considered one of the main tasks for preschoolers.
Speech development lesson
Note! For the correct speech development of children in the middle group, educators do a tremendous amount of work. It is based on a set of special exercises and methodological techniques aimed at improving speech skills and developing a high culture and politeness of speech.
To develop speech in the middle group of preschool educational institutions, various directions are used:
- children’s knowledge and ideas about surrounding objects deepen;
- children become familiar with the details and names of parts of things;
- words denoting the properties of objects and phenomena are studied;
- vocabulary in the field of professions is replenished;
- words that denote relationships between people are studied;
- children learn to express their own thoughts in complex sentences that are grammatically correct.
To solve the assigned tasks in the middle group, the teacher must take a responsible approach to the process and purposefully conduct classes.
Federal State Educational Standards requirements for speech development
All educational institutions, regardless of whether they are public or private, must focus on certain program requirements that are specified in the Federal State Educational Standard.
As for the speech development of preschoolers, the requirements are as follows:
- Vocabulary must be constantly enriched;
- the child must have speech skills in accordance with age;
- the sound and intonation range of speech expressiveness should expand;
- develop the ability to perceive sounds by ear and at the same time hear, identify and, if there are errors, correct them;
- develop the ability to listen and remember the storyline;
- develop logically consistent and meaningful speech;
- skills of retelling and acting out dialogues;
- the child must learn to convey the meaning emotionally and read a poem by heart with expressiveness;
- work should be carried out to expand the horizons of preschoolers about objects, properties, phenomena and the concept of a coordinate system;
- generalizing concepts are introduced into the lexicon;
- training is provided to improve the grammatical construction of sentences.
Note! All training sessions should be conducted by the teacher so that they simultaneously include solving assigned problems and game moments. Only in this case will it be possible to interest children and achieve the desired results.
Directions of speech development (FSES DO)
Age-related psychological characteristics of children in the middle group of preschool educational institutions
In terms of development, middle preschool age is a continuation of early childhood. During this period, children master the world of permanent things, master the culture of speech, and the formation and development of psychological perception also occurs.
In middle age, children continue to actively develop speech, substitution ability, thinking and imagination. With the help of speech, middle group students express their emotions and share their impressions.
Note! There is a rapid development of memorizing information and retaining it in memory, and the ability to concentrate is also enhanced.
As a rule, at this age, kindergarten teachers conduct special planned classes on speech development. They are provided for by special educational standards. But, despite this, pedagogical work in this direction is not limited to a certain framework. The most important thing is that when selecting tools, the teacher must take into account all the age characteristics of his students.
Features of speech development in preschool children
Methodological tools
Within the framework of the requirements of speech development, the teacher faces serious tasks that force him to approach the process thoughtfully, responsibly and in accordance with certain standards.
Basic pedagogical techniques
Each lesson on speech development in the middle group should be based on a specific pedagogical technique. Currently, three main groups of speech development techniques in preschool institutions have been identified. These are verbal, visual and playful techniques.
Their essence is as follows:
- Teaching stories using story pictures.
- Daily reading of fiction, which is provided for in the educational program.
- Carrying out work with children in a conversation format.
- Application of gaming technologies.
- Systematic and unobtrusive repetition of a new word.
- Motivation to complete the curriculum.
Note! In addition to implementing the pedagogical techniques listed above, the teacher must organize physical education sessions for students. They are also part of the curriculum and help to develop a serious attitude towards physical education in children.
Games for speech development
By the age of five, children should learn to pronounce all sounds correctly. You can achieve your goal through daily breathing exercises.
Didactic games on “Speech Development”
You can form grammatically correct speech thanks to games and exercises:
- "More less".
- “Call me kindly.”
- “Whose toy?”
- “Continue the sentence.”
- "Which".
Speech corner equipment
In order to stimulate independence and informal playful communication with children, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, an aesthetically attractive, comfortable and special subject-development environment must be created in which children will not be afraid, but rather feel at ease and at ease.
Important! It is best to place the speech corner away from the playing area in a well-lit place. It must be equipped with didactic and visual aids, as well as the necessary materials that are used by the teacher during classes.
Speech corner
Table: filling out the speech corner by section
Chapter | Content |
Certificate | Schemes of words, sentences and corresponding games (“Add a word”, “Choose a word”), puzzles and crosswords. |
Connected speech | Subject pictures, “Playing in the profession”, “Guess by the description”. |
Grammar | Games “Name it affectionately”, “One-many”. |
Vocabulary | Pictures, lotto, puzzles. |
Sound pronunciation | Game exercises, games to automate sounds. |
Breath | Pipes, bubbles, balloons for inflation. |
Fine motor skills | Pencils, puzzles, mosaics, tops. |
Phonetic hearing | Sound differentiation games. |
Articulation gymnastics | Pictures, sets of exercises, methodological literature. |
Higher mental functions | Dominoes, cut pictures. |
Note! Among other things, experts recommend having Ushakova’s book “Speech Development” in the speech corner. It examines in detail all the problems of speech development for children in the middle group, selects methodological recommendations and compiles lesson notes.
Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old
Summary of a lesson on speech development for children in the middle group “Composing a descriptive story” Goal: to form and improve the ability to compose a descriptive story about a puppy animal Objectives: to develop children’s coherent speech ; develop an understanding of domestic animals; practice in the formation of diminutive forms of words; practice your ability to choose words -...
Lesson on speech development in the middle group “Winter fun” At the last lesson on speech development, we talked with the children of the middle group “Zhemchuzhinki” on the topic “Winter fun”. The purpose of the lesson was to clarify children's understanding of winter, winter games and fun. The tasks were as follows: Cognitive tasks: - to consolidate children’s knowledge about winter,...
Lesson on speech development in the middle group
Planning lessons should be carried out according to methodological recommendations.
Lessons on fairy tales
Lesson structure
Each lesson should be conducted according to a specific scheme:
- The organizational introductory part is characterized by a motivating and stimulating nature. The main task of the teacher at this stage is to get the children into the mood for work and awaken their interest in the topic.
- Practical part - the teacher sets the tasks and explains the essence of the task.
- Active work - children complete tasks in conjunction with a verbal assessment of the students’ activities.
- Summing up - the teacher’s goal is to draw children’s attention to the result.
Speech development of a child up to one year old
Notes on the development of coherent speech in the middle group
municipal budget preschool institution
"Kindergarten No. 15 "Romashka"
General developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the physical direction of children's development
Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group Topic: “Storytelling based on the painting “Dog with Puppies”
Compiled; Teacher of the 1st category: Baikina R.Sh. |
Sharypovo - 2022
Strengthen children's ability to describe a picture in a certain sequence and name the picture.
“Speech development”:
Teach children to describe a picture, making up a small, coherent story following the example of the teacher. Continue teaching children to answer the teacher’s questions. Help children coordinate words in sentences. Improve the ability to correctly use prepositions in speech. Continue learning to form the plural form of nouns denoting baby animals. Learn to use the most common adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and prepositions in speech. Learn to listen to other children's answers.
"Cognitive development":
Develop memory, attention, thinking.
“Social and communicative development”:
Foster a caring attitude towards animals and friendly relationships between peers.
Materials and equipment:
toy – dog, leaves on strings for breathing exercises, painting “Dog with puppies” (series “Pets” by S. A. Veretennikova), easel, Lego set.
Musical accompaniment:
song “Man is a Dog’s Friend” (lyrics by M. Libin, music by V. Komarov)
OD progress
In the morning, before OD, the teacher brings the painting “Dog with Puppies” to the group, places it on the easel and leaves it for the children to examine on their own. When looking at the picture, children exchange impressions and manage to notice many details. At the request of the teacher, the children come up with a name for the picture.
1. Organizational moment.
Children with a teacher are sitting on the carpet.
Educator: Guys, you have already noticed that such a picture appeared in our group today. (The teacher draws the children’s attention to the easel where the painting is located.) Guess the riddle and find out who brought it to us.
The teacher asks a riddle:
He is friends with the owner,
The house is guarded
Lives under the porch
Tail in a ring.
(Children's answers.)
The teacher brings a puppy toy into the group. The children greet him. They pet him.
Educator: This puppy came running to visit us today and brought a painting with him. He was so sad. I asked what happened. He answered me that this picture hangs in his house, in his booth, he likes it so much, but he cannot tell his friends what is depicted in it, because he does not know how to tell a story from the picture. That's why he came running to us for help. Guys, can we help the puppy? (Children's answers.) In order for our story to be correct and understandable, we will do breathing exercises.
Text of the book “Classes on speech development in the middle group of kindergarten. Lesson Plans"
Valentina Gerbova
Classes on speech development in the middle group of kindergarten
Lesson Plans
Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten"
under the general editorship of M.A. Vasilyeva, T.S. Komarova, V.V. Herbovaya
Gerbova Valentina Viktorovna –
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, author of manuals on methods of developing children’s speech and introducing them to fiction.
From the author
The successful implementation of program objectives depends on a number of factors and, above all, on the way of life of a preschool institution, the atmosphere in which the child is raised, and on a specially designed, thoughtful developmental environment.
The effectiveness of education and training is achieved through the painstaking work of teachers who work directly with children and all preschool employees who communicate with preschoolers during the day.
The system of work on teaching children their native language, introducing them to fiction is presented in the works of V. V. Gerbova “Development of speech in kindergarten”, “Introducing children to fiction” (M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005).
The manual “Classes on speech development in the middle group of kindergarten”, written as part of the “Program of education and training in kindergarten” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova, supplements recommendations on the most important area of pedagogical activity - targeted and systematic training of preschoolers in the classroom. The practical purpose of the book is to provide educators with approximate guidelines for planning lessons (defining topics and learning goals, ways to implement them).
Features of speech development in children of the fifth year of life
In the middle group, intensive work is provided to deepen children's knowledge about various subjects. The passive and active vocabulary of preschoolers is enriched by words - names of parts and details of objects, their qualities and properties (color, shape, size, texture, etc.), as well as concepts characterizing spatial and temporal relationships.
Children are taught to use generalizing words in speech, for example: clothes, shoes, furniture, dishes, vegetables, fruits, flowers, birds, animals.
; group familiar objects and classify them (dishes: tea, table, kitchen; shoes: summer and winter).
The vocabulary of preschoolers is replenished with words that reflect relationships between people.
Children begin to use the names of military professions in speech: sailors, border guards, pilots
By mastering the vocabulary of a language, children also master its grammatical structure. In the fifth year of life, preschoolers begin to master the methods of forming nouns with suffixes of emotional-expressive evaluation, nouns denoting young animals, as well as some methods of forming verbs with prefixes and degrees of comparison of adjectives.
In the speech of children of this age, simple common sentences predominate. The number of common sentences with homogeneous members (additions, definitions) is increasing. Sentences with homogeneous circumstances appear.
Four-year-old children use complex sentences relatively freely, both without conjunctions and with conjunctions a, and
, as well as complex sentences (usually with additional and subordinate clauses). The number of complex sentences with subordinate clauses is increasing.
At the same time, expressing detailed judgments and at the same time following the progress of their thoughts, children find it difficult to simultaneously monitor the grammatical form of their presentation. This is evidenced by errors in the coordination of words in a sentence, omissions of individual members, and difficulties in constructing simple sentences that are part of a complex one.
The program provides for teaching children of the fifth year of life the ability to use grammatically correct forms of words, in answers and stories to express their thoughts in complete sentences, the meaning of which is understandable to others. Solving these problems requires systematic, purposeful work of the teacher.
The requirements of the program for teaching four-year-old children conversational (dialogical) speech come down to developing their ability to listen and understand speech addressed to them, participate in a collective conversation, answer and ask questions. At the same time, it is necessary to instill in preschoolers sociability, tact, and restraint - qualities necessary for a person to communicate with others.
The teacher must teach children to answer questions clearly and meaningfully, while trying not to disrupt the liveliness and emotionality of speech, its originality. However, the content of a child’s speech, the completeness and consistency of statements is determined by the richness of his vocabulary and the degree of mastery of the grammatical means of the language. Therefore, the development of coherent speech should be carried out in conjunction with the formation of a vocabulary and grammatically correct speech.
A special place in working with children of middle preschool age is occupied by teaching storytelling. Children are taught to write stories about an object based on a picture; come up with your own picture using handout pictures that specify the topic given by the teacher (meetings in a forest clearing, on the seabed, etc.).
The sound side of the speech of children 4–5 years old also differs in some features: on the one hand, preschoolers have developed sensitivity to the sounds of other people’s speech, on the other hand, the ability to recognize the defects of their own pronunciation is not sufficiently developed, and the motor skills of the articulatory apparatus are characteristically imperfect.
Nurturing the sound culture of speech in children of this age comes down mainly to the development of phonemic hearing and the formation of the correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language, especially whistling, hissing and sonorant sounds. Along with solving these problems, it is also necessary to cultivate in children the sound and intonation expressiveness of speech, the ability to measure the volume of their voice, speak at a measured pace, pronounce words correctly and clearly, put emphasis on them, and improve speech breathing.
A special program objective is to introduce children to fiction. In the program, literature is separated into an independent section, without reference to speech development. A work of art is considered as an intrinsic value. Children need to read every day to develop their interest in reading. Children should continue to be taught to look at books and relate illustrations to the content of the works.
Features of working with children in the classroom
In the preschool education system, the leading means of developing children's speech is training. In-class training allows preschoolers to master the most complex program material and ensures the formation of the necessary speech skills, which are then improved outside of class. Special classes on speech development for children in the middle group are held weekly.
By the age of four, significant changes occur in the child’s physical and mental development. However, children of this age are still characterized by instability of attention, inability to exert long-term volitional effort, increased emotionality and, as a consequence, a rapid decline in performance.
The formation of many speech skills requires repeated repetitions (for example, when learning to clearly pronounce a sound, use a certain grammatical form of a word in speech, compose a story based on a picture, memorize poems). However, the teacher must offer tasks for repeating material to children in such a way that they perceive them as necessary and attractive.
In classes on speech development, the child has to speak on his own, listen to the teacher’s explanations and the answers of his friends, but in four-year-old children the skills of telling (speaking up) and listening to peers are just developing. The teacher must take this circumstance into account when conducting classes.
In classes on speech development, as well as in classes on other types of activities, the principle of educational training is implemented. The educational impact on the child is exerted by the content of speech activity, its linguistic design, as well as the organization and form of the lesson (a certain pace and rhythm of work, the mood of the children and their activity, the tone of the teacher, the visualization used, etc.).
Children's interest in learning is ensured not only by the accessibility and fascination of the material, but also by the emotionally positive atmosphere of the lesson. Children of middle preschool age are proactive, often show excessive haste when answering the teacher’s questions and therefore often make mistakes. They love it when the teacher praises them, and, on the contrary, they are upset if the teacher publicly expresses dissatisfaction with their answer or behavior. This obliges the teacher to be especially patient and tactful: to show kindness and willingness to help, to sincerely rejoice at a good answer, to encourage the child in case of failure, and to trust children’s fantasies. This attitude of the teacher evokes in the child a response of goodwill and a desire to work. When offering the child the next task, the teacher should try to say something good about the student, explaining what prompted him to turn to this particular child. “Maxim’s cheerful disposition”, “Irino’s hard work”, “Oli’s caring nature”, “Oleg’s kind hands” - such characteristics make the child want to justify them with a good answer or action, awaken sympathy for peers, and help strengthen friendly relationships.
It is necessary to teach children to listen carefully to the teacher and each other, to complete tasks quickly and accurately, and not to disturb their friends. If they understand these rules, there will be no need for disciplinary actions, which should be avoided.
It is inappropriate to ask a four-year-old child to stand up when answering a question, since a lot of working time is spent on such organizational issues. Some children (shy, impressionable) should be allowed to read poetry and write stories from their seats. (“Is it more convenient for you to answer from your seat or will you come to my desk”?)
In the process of preparing for the lesson, the teacher must develop individual assignments. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the child’s level of knowledge and speech skills, his interests and inclinations, character traits (taciturn, unrestrained, absent-minded, timid). Here are some examples:
• Vova, more often than others, makes mistakes in the use of plural nouns denoting young animals. Start the game with him so that you can ask him 2-3 times;
• in the morning, before class, invite Oleg to compose a story based on the picture. This will help him stay calmer at the easel and talk more confidently;
• Ask Olya from her seat for now;
• for Andrey, Sveta, Katya, choose toys about which you can write a story using various adjectives (cheerful, shaggy, mischievous, big-eyed)
. Give exactly the same toys to Oleg and Anna. It will be easier for them to tell after their comrades;
• Place Yegor and Masha closer today so that you can see how they articulate sound.
One of the conditions for the successful development of children’s speech is the teacher’s emotional, figurative speech that meets the norms of the literary language. It shouldn't be simplified.
The teacher should explain each new word or turn of phrase to the children or invite them to comprehend them on their own, then generalizing their answers and interpretations.
The teacher should widely use synonyms, antonyms, various forms of polite address, constructions with various subordinating connections, etc. in speech, and also note the facts of their successful use in children’s speech, explaining what and why he was especially pleased with.
Often, having formulated a question, the teacher repeats it in order to achieve better understanding or to fill the resulting pause. This moment is pedagogically valuable, as it allows you to show the child that the same thought can be expressed in different ways. Children should be taught the ability to put their statements into different forms, first by correcting, prompting (“You answered the question correctly, but you didn’t construct the sentence quite well. It’s better to say this…”), then by providing the opportunity to correct the mistake on their own.
The teacher’s compliance with these requirements ensures that children’s speech becomes more complex both in content and form.
One of the most important conditions for the effectiveness of teaching is the alternation of various techniques in one lesson, for example, techniques that promote better assimilation and memorization of material, and techniques that activate children’s behavior and maintain sustained attention, etc. (this classification is largely arbitrary).
Techniques that promote better assimilation of the material:
• alternating choral and individual responses.
Alternating a variety of choral and individual responses allows all children to be involved in the work and provides each child with a good speech load. Choral answers can be from all children and from a large (small) subgroup: only girls or only boys; children sitting by the windows or at the first tables; guys in T-shirts with appliqués, etc.;
• use of various game situations
. For example, writing a story about a toy is often preceded by a dramatization game. By participating in it, the child willingly and easily remembers words and expressions that he can later use in his answer;
• justification for the need to complete the task.
This technique, as already noted, acquires particular significance with repeated repetition of the same type of speech material.
The teacher must use motives that are significant for the child (to help someone, to protect someone weaker, etc.). For example, children say to the cat: “Go away, Scratchy, don’t touch, don’t scare the chickens” (consolidating the pronunciation of the sound ts
in words).
Techniques aimed at maintaining attention:
• combination of exercises with game techniques
significantly increases children’s speech activity and allows them to maintain a steady interest in the lesson material. Gaming techniques can be very diverse. For example, the teacher explains and shows the articulation of a sound and exercises the children in pronouncing it. Next, children make a sound, imitating the rustling of leaves, the hiss of an angry goose, the air coming out of a burst car tire, etc.;
• motivated assessment of children's answers.
This technique increases children’s desire not only to answer correctly, but to find an interesting word or comparison to characterize an object or situation. (“How good, how figuratively you compared falling snowflakes with lace fluffs!” the teacher rejoices.) Children enjoy the assessment “coming” from the character present in the lesson. (“Look how the puppy turns his head, trying to see his ears. After all, Masha said that they are “as if rolled up into a tube.”);
• preparing children to perceive a peer’s response.
For example, the teacher suggests: “This morning Oleg and I learned to read a poem expressively. It seems to me that he reads much better now than in the last lesson. Shall we listen to him?”, “Natasha has a clear voice, and the mosquito’s song should sound very good. Shall we check?";
• use of physical education breaks.
A static pose is tiring for four-year-old children, so the teacher should provide them with the opportunity to change it during the lesson, for example, offer them to get up from the tables and go to the easel, go to the table, find something in the room (according to the conditions of the didactic game), accept participation in dramatization, etc.
If it is difficult to foresee these options, you can take a pause, during which the children do not perform physical exercises, but various imitation actions (as instructed by the teacher): they depict the animal that was just discussed (they show how a hedgehog curls up into a ball; they jump like frogs; show how a puppy tries to grab its tail with its teeth; walk like herons, etc.).
A physical education break does not always occur in the middle of a lesson and is offered not as a means of relaxation (“Now let’s rest a little!”), but as another educational task that must be completed well. Such tasks teach children to improvise. Later, this has a positive effect on the quality of children's dramatizations and role-playing games.
Formation of a dictionary
Since the work of enriching and clarifying the vocabulary of preschoolers presupposes their active knowledge of the surrounding reality, it is included in various types of children’s activities: play, household, work, study - and, therefore, is carried out both in everyday life and in the classroom. In this case, the leading method is the method of discriminating observation. Using various analyzers and various methods of examination (practical actions: pressing on an object, bending it, pulling, measuring, etc.; comparison with the known, trial experiments, questions to an adult, etc.), children isolate the properties of the object, name the material from which it is made reveals signs of the seasons, etc. Based on cognitive activity, the teacher solves the problems of vocabulary work: introduces new words into the children’s active dictionary, consolidates already known ones, and introduces the various meanings of words.
To enrich and clarify children's vocabulary, the following techniques are used:
• using a new word and looking at the object (demonstration of the action) that it means. (“They say about eyes with a black pupil that they are black. And about a doll with black eyes they say black-eyed,” explains the teacher. “What can you say about the second doll with blue eyes?” ( Blue-eyed
• intonation focusing children’s attention on a new word (“Didn’t you notice which word I emphasized with my voice?” the teacher asks. “Scalded means doused with boiling water, fell, dived into boiling water, like the wolf from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs.”);
• repeated repetition of a speech sample for its literal reproduction (“So that the bear cub does not lose when competing in a race with a cunning wolf cub, you need to teach him to listen to your command: “One, two, three - run!”” (Choral and individual repetitions.));
• the use of a new word (definition) in various speech utterances (“What do you think can be sewn from blue fabric with small white stripes? - the teacher is interested. - Start the answer like this: “From blue fabric with small white stripes I would ... (sew ( sewed) a dress, an apron, a pillowcase, a duvet cover, a tea warmer, etc.“”.)
To activate the dictionary, the following techniques are used:
• questions for children that require a statement-answer (what? where? which?) or a reflection-answer (how? why? why?);
• reminder, indirect prompting of a word known to the child (“Little Red Riding Hood believed the wolf. She was very ... ( gullible
• formation of words by analogy (“For sugar - a sugar bowl, and for crackers ... ( cracker bowl
• selection of adjectives and verbs characteristic of the object (“What story?” ( Cheerful, funny, like a fairy tale.
• completion by children of words deliberately omitted by the teacher in a literary work. (“Now I am not alone Komar Komarovich - Long Nose, but Grandfather Komarishche flew with me ... ( Long Nosishche
), and younger brother Komarishka... (
Long Nose
). (D. Mamin-Sibiryak.))
Formation of grammatically correct speech
Children learn the grammatical structure of a language in the process of communicating with adults and peers. They borrow words in different grammatical forms from the speech of the people around them and gradually begin to independently use a variety of grammatical means. However, the process of mastering the grammatical structure of speech is complex and lengthy. While mastering the existing norms and rules of the language, children make numerous grammatical errors in their speech. Therefore, the system of speech work with preschool children includes classes on the formation of grammatically correct speech.
In the course of work aimed at mastering the morphological means of language, great importance should be given to instilling in children attention to the sound side of the word. This means that the teacher must organize the children’s activities in such a way that their obligatory condition is to focus on the sound side of the word. (“If you ask the animals incorrectly, they will not come to you. Listen to how to ask... The bear did not complete your task because you said the word incorrectly. Listen to how Olya asks the bear cub to lie on its side. Do you understand? Then repeat your request to the bear cub" .)
Children should be drawn to the use of plural nouns in the genitive and accusative cases ( knives, pears, foxes, wolves
neuter nouns combined with adjectives ( green bucket, red apple, blue blanket
indeclinable nouns ( coffee, coat, piano
verbs want, lie, run, jump, draw, bend over
prepositions under, because of, from under, between
; to form words by analogy.
It is generally accepted that a teacher should not repeat an incorrectly pronounced word after a child. However, in cases where the error is typical, it is still more advisable to point it out. (“It’s not customary to say “go.” You should say “go.”)
In the Russian language, most words are derivatives - formed from others (les - forest, forester; winter - winter, winter, etc.)
By the age of four, children acquire a significant stock of derivative words - names of objects, actions, qualities ( poured - fell asleep - filled up, samovar, little squirrel, tankman
, etc.). Based on the understanding and active use of this vocabulary, generalizations are formed that allow the child to comprehend the word he heard for the first time, remember a word encountered in the speech of an adult or when reading a fairy tale, etc. Without pedagogical guidance, such generalizations appear in some children with a significant delay, which interferes with the full acquisition of the language.
Mastering the methods of formation and grammatical design of words is carried out within a sentence and in connection with the complication of its structure. The sentence, in turn, undergoes significant changes due to the expansion of the child’s needs for communication and mastery of the initial skills of monologue speech.
Data from researchers (G. Lyamina, V. Yadeshko) indicate that in the course of communication with family and friends, in the process of independent play activity, simple common and complex sentences appear early in children’s speech. During storytelling classes, children make many mistakes when constructing not only complex but also simple sentences: they omit conjunctions, repeat the same words, skip individual parts of a sentence, and make long, unreasonable pauses.
A child’s involuntary speech is richer and more accurate than voluntary speech. Therefore, when planning and organizing conversations with children in the classroom, it is necessary to provide questions in response to which preschoolers will be forced to use sentences of different structures - simple common, complex and complex. These are questions about the qualities, properties of objects, features of phenomena, circumstances of actions, causes of events, etc. (“What puppies? Where are they looking? Who are the puppies looking at and why? Why don’t the sparrows fly away? How did you guess that the owner is taking care of puppies?")
A significant improvement in sentence structure occurs when the child’s position changes during communication with an adult (research by F. Sokhin and M. Lavrik). If a child is faced with the task of dictating his story to an adult so that he can write it down, then the preschooler, automatically slowing down the pace of speech, better controls his monologue and avoids many inaccuracies.
The same thing happens in a situation when a child is tasked with explaining to peers or younger children the rules of a game - mobile, board-printed, didactic.
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group “Description of fruits”
Educational area
Speech development
The topic of the lesson is “Description of fruits.”
Implementation of program content in educational areas :
“Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”.
Types of children's activities:
gaming, communicative, educational and research.
learn to compare and describe fruits.
Program tasks
Educational: continue learning about fruits by solving riddles; learn to describe fruits by color, shape, size; learn to use adjectives in speech, forming them from nouns.
Developing: develop, knows how to maintain a conversation, expresses his point of view, logical thinking, attention.
Educational: To cultivate a caring and loving attitude towards nature, which has generously endowed us with its riches; develop the ability to listen to each other;
Vocabulary work:
fruit, fruity, orange, lemon, cherry, plum, peach,
Preliminary work:
looking at pictures of fruits, the game “What Grows Where”, a conversation on the topic “Fruits”, “Fruit preparations”.
Materials and equipment:
Hedgehog and Little Fox, envelope, pictures of fruits, ball, sheets of paper with images of ovals and circles; two pictures of fruits to find the differences, replicas of fruits, fresh fruits.
Contents of organized children's activities
1. Organizational moment.
Educator: Good afternoon! Happy hour!
I'm very glad to see you.
You turn to each other and smile.
And sit down quietly.
Educator: Guys, who came to us? (Hedgehog and Little Fox are sitting on chairs near the board, holding an envelope)
Children: Hedgehog and little fox
Educator: Yes, these are our friends. Guys, look, they are unusual today, Hedgehog has prepared something for us in an envelope. Let's open it and read it. (Takes the envelope and opens it)
Guys, our friends invite us to play and solve riddles.
Children: stand in a semicircle and look at the board.
2. Guessing riddles. Description of fruits by color and shape.
1.Round, ruddy
It grows on a branch
Adults love him
And little children (apple)
(hang a picture of an apple on the board and the children must talk about it).
Educator: What is this? What color is the apple? What shape? What size is an apple?
Children: The apple is red, round in shape. The apple is big.
2.With orange skin,
Looks like a ball
But the center is not empty,
And juicy and tasty. (Orange)
(There is a picture of an orange on the board).
Educator: What is this? What color is the orange? What shape? What size? Do you think an orange is sweet or sour?
Children: Orange, round in shape...
3.It's almost like an orange
Thick skinned, juicy,
There is only one drawback -
Very, very sour (lemon)
(there is a picture of a lemon on the board).
Educator: What is this? What color is lemon? What shape is it? What size is a lemon?
Children: answer questions
4.Blue uniform, white lining,
It's sweet in the middle. (Plum.)
(on the board there is a picture of a plum).
Educator: What is this? What color is plum? What shape? What size is the plum?
Children: answer questions
5. A whole herd of horses on one leash. (Grape.)
Educator: What is this? What color are grapes? What shape? What size are the grapes?
Children: answer questions
Educator: I’m sitting on a tree, round like a ball,
Red as blood, sweet as honey. (Cherry.)
Educator: What is this? What color are cherries? What shape? What size is the cherry?
Children: Cherry is red, round in shape. Small cherry.
Educator: Well done, guys. All the riddles were solved.
Educator: Guys, how can you call an apple, orange, lemon in one word? What is this? Children: fruit.
Educator: Guys, where do fruits grow?
Children: in the trees
Educator: What are the names of the trees on which fruits grow?
Children: fruit
Educator: Where do fruit trees grow?
Children: in the garden.
Educator: What is the name of a garden in which there are many fruit trees?
Children: orchard
Educator: Well done! The Hedgehog and the Little Fox are also happy with you.
Physical school
Educator: Let's rest a little. Leave the tables and come to me. Stand in a circle. And we will put the Hedgehog and the Little Fox in the center of the circle.
Children: Go out to the teacher’s carpet and stand in a circle.
“Yesterday we walked in the garden, They walk in a circle, holding hands.
We planted currants. They depict how they dig a hole and plant a bush in it.
We whitened the apple tree with lime and whitewash. Move your right hand up and down.
We fixed the fence. Simulates hitting with a hammer.
We started a conversation: They stand facing in a circle
- Tell me, our gardener,
What will you give us as a reward? One finger is bent for each name.
I will give you lilac plums and honey pears as a reward,
The largest ripe apples, They stretch their hands forward.
A whole kilogram of cherries
This is what I will give you as a reward.
A whole kilogram of cherries, that's what I'll give you as a reward.
3. Game “Which one? Which?".
Educator: And now we will sit down on the palace. The Hedgehog and the Little Fox will roll the ball for you and name the color and object in the singular,
for example, a yellow pear, but you have to say how it will be in the plural - yellow pears ..
Educator on behalf of the Hedgehog and the Little Fox: orange orange
Child: orange oranges
4. Coloring.
Teacher: gives each child a sheet of paper on which ovals and circles are depicted.
Children: according to the teacher’s instructions, paint the figures, then determine what the painted figure looks like.
Instructions: Color the shape in the first lower right corner green (apple)
in the upper left corner - yellow (lemon)
, in the middle - orange
5. Game " Treats ".
Educator: Guys, but E. and L. don’t know why people grow so many fruits. After all, if you don’t eat them all at once, what will they do?
Children: they will spoil, they will not taste good
Educator: Let's tell our friends how to store fruit.
Children: boil, dry, freeze
Educator: What can you cook from fruits?
Children: jam, compote, juice, marmalade
Educator: I am the presenter, I give you a piece of fruit and ask: “What kind of orange juice?”
Child: orange
Educator: “What kind of peach juice?”
Child: peach
Educator: “What kind of apple juice?”
Child: apple
Educator: “What kind of pear juice?”, “What kind of banana juice?”, “What kind of lemon juice?” (you need to play with each child)).
6. Comparison of images.
Teacher: shows a picture on the board
Children compare two pictures, find and name the differences.
7. Game “Forgetful buyer”.
A “seller” and a “buyer” are selected. Models or pictures of fruits are laid out on the table. The “buyer” says that he forgot the name of the item he wants to buy. The “seller” asks to describe the item: color, shape, taste, what it feels like, what it’s like inside. Based on the description, the “seller” guesses the fruit that the “buyer” wants to buy.
8. Reflection. Game "Define the taste."
Educator: Hedgehog and Little Fox brought us treats. Now you and I will put blindfolds on our eyes, go up to the table and taste what kind of fruit it is? Well, the Hedgehog and the Little Fox will see if you complete the task correctly or not. Children: close their eyes and take the prepared fruits into their mouths and guess what they ate.
Educator: Well done! It's time for the Hedgehog and the Little Fox to return to the forest, let's say goodbye to them. Goodbye, guys..
Children: Goodbye
Age-related psychological characteristics of middle group children
Children 4-5 years old are more active, their emotionally charged activities become a way of psychological release, but, most importantly, they begin to experience an urgent need to communicate with peers. If previously a child could calmly be in the company of toys, books or cartoons, now he wants to talk and do it a lot and for a long time. That is why in the middle group of a kindergarten a developing speech environment should be created and classes should be conducted that will stimulate speech. However, for the most part, children's speech develops through their interactions with each other. Also, new features appear in the interaction of preschoolers with teachers; they begin to strive for cognitive, intellectual communication. It is at this moment that it is important to begin developing a culture of verbal communication, to set a speech example for children. During this period, you cannot brush off the child’s questions or answer with irritation or reluctance.
Federal State Educational Standards requirements for speech development
In 2013, our country adopted the Federal State Educational Standard, a special educational standard, on the basis of which kindergarten teachers develop educational programs for preschoolers. The Federal State Educational Standard consists of requirements based on the results of mastering educational programs. According to them, speech development in the middle group of kindergarten includes the following components:
- Its formation is at the level necessary to establish contacts with adults and children of different ages.
- Expanding vocabulary.
- Developing the ability to construct dialogues and conduct a monologue.
- Development of speech creativity, i.e. the ability to compose a story or come up with a poem.
- Reading books, improving reading comprehension skills.
- The ability to separate words into individual sounds and combine sounds into words.
- Mastering the principles of pronunciation and stress in words, the ability to expressive speech.