Automation of the sound “Z” in words is carried out after automation in syllables. In order for the child
We begin automating sounds in words only after the child clearly pronounces an isolated sound
If, during a handshake, the hand seems to cover the palm of the interlocutor from above, then this indicates
Dysphonia is a voice disorder in which the quality of the voice (pitch, strength, timbre) is impaired, resulting in
When oral speech suffers, everything is clear, a speech therapist is required. When writing suffers
Stages of child speech development Trajectories of speech development are individual for each child, due to
4 Average rating: 4 Total ratings received: 68. 4 Average rating: 4 Total ratings received
Speech defects can vary. You can often find incorrect pronunciation of sounds, for example, replacing one
Automation of sound [L'] Speech therapist.No Automation of sounds Automation of sound L' Soft sound [L`] (or [L])
“Assemble the letter” Such a simple puzzle can be made independently while working on the automation of any