We begin automating sounds in words only after the child clearly pronounces an isolated sound and can pronounce it correctly in syllables. We name words, highlighting the automated sound with our voice.
We pronounce the words slowly, pronouncing them clearly. It is advisable to repeat the same word 2-3 times.
Before you start automating the sound, you need to know the articulatory position of the sound P:
lips are open, neutral (it is better if they slightly expose the teeth);
teeth are open;
the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars;
the wide tip of the tongue is raised to the alveoli and vibrates.
Preparatory exercises for making the sounds R, Rb:
“Cup” “Drum” “Horses” “Mushroom”
"Accordion" "Machine gun"
Sound production:
The first method: by imitation with visual, auditory, kinesthetic control;
The second way: using special techniques:
- from a long 3-3-3 with the tip of the tongue raised to the alveoli,
- from a long J-J-J with lips stretched out in a smile,
-from rapid and repeated repetition of D-D-D.
Long groups of words[edit | edit code]
- the longest pantorhyme
(solid rhyme) “Not the law - an eternal scarecrow / I will not finish the human” (17 letters) - the longest chains of anagrams
: abortion - borate - return - tabor - torba - troba - bator and author - decoction - second - vomiting - brand - votra - product (7 and 8 words each) - the longest chains of “generators”
(metagrams with a fixed changing letter): 3 letters (17 words): LAB - LAV - LAG - LAD - LAZ - LAZ - LAI - LAK - LAL - LAM - LAN - LAO - LAR - LAS - LAT - LAKH - BARKING - 4 letters (16 words): KOBA - KOVA - KOGA - KODA - SKIN - GOAT - COCA - COLA - KOMA - KOPA - KORA - SPIT - KOTA - KOTSA - KOCHA - KOSA
- 16 letters (3 words): ATTRACTION - ATTACHMENT - ATTACHMENT
with the largest number of values: KEY (at least 7 values), BOXING, BRUSH, LAVA (each has 4 values)
- The key is a musical sign, the key is from the door, the key is a natural source of water, the key is a wrench, the key is the capstone in the arch (the highest point of the arch), the key for transmitting Morse code, the key is the code for the cipher (in dialects there is also a can key and crane key)
English-Russian Dictionary in R
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Russian-English: | | | | | E, Yo | | | I, J | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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English vocabulary starting with the letter R with translation into Russian. Total - 921 words.
- rabbit - rabbit
- rabble - rabble, rabble
- rabid - frantic, furious, furious
- rabies - hydrophobia, rabies
- raccon - raccoon
- race - race, clan, tribe, speed competition, fast current, rush
- race course - hippodrome
- raceteer - extortionist bandit, gangster, racketeer
- raceteering - gangerism
- racial - racial
- racily - spicy
- raciness - piquancy
- racing - speed competition, horse racing game
- rack - feeder, frame, stand, hanger, shelf, mesh,
- rack - to torture, torture, exhaust with backbreaking work
- rack rent - excessively high rent
- racket - noise, bustle, blackmail, extortion, scam,
- racket - racket
- racoon - raccoon
- racquet - racket
- racy - characteristic, lively, energetic, piquant
- radar - radar
- radial - radiant, radiant
- radiance - radiance
- radiant - radiant, shining
- radiate - to radiate
- radiation - radiation, radiation
- radiator - radiator
- radical - radical, radical, radical, root / math /
- radio - radio, transmit a radiogram
- radio active - radioactive
- radio activity
- radio location - radar
- radio operatop - radio operator
- radio rgamophone - radiola
- radiogram - radiogram
- radiograph - x-ray
- radish - radish
- radium - radium
- raffish - dissolute
- raffle - lottery, play in a lottery
- raft - raft, ferry, transport on a ferry
- rafter - rafter, beam
- raftsman - raftsman, ferryman
- rag - rag, rags, rags, leaf, scrap
- rag - to tease, make trouble, make noise
- ragamuffin - ragamuffin
- rage - anger, passion, fashion, rage, rage
- ragged - frayed, torn, rough, jagged
- ragtag - rabble
- ragtime - jazz rhythm
- raid - raid, raid, raid, make a raid, raid
- rail - scold, vilify, railing, fence, handrail, rail
- railing - scold, railing, fence
- raillery - good-natured joke
- railroad - railway, push through, carry out in a hurry
- railway - railway
- raiment - robe
- rain - rain, it is raining
- rain bow - rainbow
- rain coat - waterproof raincoat
- rain fall - rainfall, amount of precipitation
- rainless - arid
- rainproof - waterproof
- rainy - rainy
- raise - raise, erect, cause laughter, grow, educate, collect
- raisin - raisins
- rajah - raja
- rake - rake, level, clean up, rake, libertine
- rake off - intermediary's share of income, bribe
- rake out - rake out
- rake up - rake
- rakish - dissolute, dissolute
- rally - make fun of, gather, gather, restore / strength /, rally, recover
- ram - ram, hydraulic ram, ram, hammer, ram
- ramble - walk, wander, talk incoherently, curl / about plants /
- rambling - untethered, scattered, loitering
- ramification - branching, offshoot, shoot
- ramp - slope, slope, scam, rage
- rampage - to go on a rampage
- rampant - frantic, wildly overgrown, very widespread
- rampart - rampart, stronghold
- ramrod - ramrod
- ramshackle - dilapidated
- ran - run / time passed /
- ranch - farm, ranch
- rancid - rancid
- rancour - anger, hidden resentment
- random - random, at random
- rang - call / time passed /
- range - extend, vary, amplitude, range / voice /,
- range - row, line, chain, range, limits, scope, place in a row,
- range - fluctuate within limits, determine the distance to the target, kitchen stove,
- range - area of distribution /plants, etc., range,
- range - classify, sphere, radius of action, limits of measurement / device /,
- range - shooting range, line up, put in order
- range finder - range finder
- ranger - forester, horseman, policeman
- rank - row, rank, rank, position, category, line up,
- rank - take up space, violent, fertile, smelly, rancid, notorious
- rankle - torment, torment
- ransom - ransom, redeem
- rant - to speak pompously
- rap - light blow, punishment, hit lightly
- rap out - shout out
- rapacious - greedy, predatory
- rapasity - greed
- rape - rape, rape
- rapid - fast, fast, steep, rapids / rivers /
- rapidity - speed, speed
- rapine - robbery
- rappochchement - renewing friendships
- rapt - admiring, captivated, absorbed
- rapture - delight
- rare - rare, sparse, excellent, undercooked
- rarely - rarely, unusual
- rarity - rarity, wonder, rarity
- rasack - search, rummage, rob
- rascal - scoundrel, swindler
- race horse - race horse
- rash - rash, impetuous, reckless
- rasher - a slice of brisket or ham
- rashness - swiftness, recklessness
- rasp - file, grind, scrape, rub, irritate, cut the ear
- raspberry - raspberry
- rat - rat, traitor, defector, exterminate rats, betray one's party
- rate - norm, rate, tariff, rate, local tax, rate, category, evaluate,
- rate - scold, ask a puzzle
- rate payer - taxpayer
- rather - slightly, to some extent still
- rather then - rather than
- ratification - ratification
- ratify - confirm, ratify
- rating - reprimand, scolding, class, rank, assessment, private / sailor /
- ratio - relation, proportion
- ration - ration, ration, ration, limit
- rational - reasonable, rational
- rationality - rationality, reasonableness
- rationalize - rationalize
- rationation - rationalization
- rattle - rattle, chatter incessantly, frighten, worry, rattle, rumble
- rattle brained - empty-headed
- rattle off - rattle off
- rattle snake - rattlesnake
- raucous - hoarse, rough
- ravage - devastation, destructive action, devastate
- rave - speaks incoherently, rave, rage
- rave about - speaks enthusiastically
- raven - raven
- ravenous - gluttonous
- ravine - deep gorge, narrow ravine, hollow
- ravish - to admire
- raw - raw, unprocessed, inexperienced, flayed, dank
- raw boned - thin, bony
- ray - ray, stingray / fish /
- rayon - artificial silk, viscose
- raze - to destroy to the ground
- razor - razor
- razzle on the - to go on a spree
- re - prefix means repetition, resumption of action, again, once again
- re - prefix means repetition, resumption of action, again, once again
- re cout - to recalculate
- re dherring - smoked herring, something confusing
- re dhot - red-hot, excited, angry
- re entry - entry or return into the dense layers of the atmosphere
- re establish - restore
- reach - to stretch out, reach, reach, extend, limit, reach
- react - react, counteract
- reaction - reaction
- reactionary - reactionary, reactionary
- reactive - reactive, reactive
- reactivity - reactivity, chemical activity, reactivity
- read - read, study, show
- reader - reader, lecturer, reader, proofreader, reviewer
- readily - willingly, easily
- reading - reading, erudition, instrument reading, interpretation
- reading room - reading room
- readjust - redo, correct, adapt
- readiness - readiness, resourcefulness
- ready - ready, ready, at hand
- ready made - ready / about the dress /
- reagent - reagent
- real - real, wages, genuine
- realism - realism
- realistic - realistic
- reality - reality, reality
- realization - implementation, realization
- realize - imagine, realize, understand, implement, implement
- really - really, right
- realm - kingdom, region, sphere
- reanimate - to revive, bring back to life
- reap - to reap
- reaping hook - sickle
- reappear - to appear again
- rear - rear, rear side, rear,
- rear - raise one's head, erect, educate, grow, rear up
- rear admirable - rear admiral
- rear quard - rearguard
- rearm - to rearm
- rearmament - rearmament
- rearmost - the rearmost, rear
- reassure - to assure, to reassure
- rebel - rebel, rebel, rebel
- rebellion - uprising
- rebellious - rebellious, rebellious
- rebound - recoil, ricochet, bounce
- rebuff - rebuff, sharp refusal, fight back
- rebuke - reproach, reprimand, reproach
- recalcirant - rebellious
- recall - recall, remember, cancel, recall
- recant - to renounce
- recapitulate - summarize, list the main points
- recapitulation - summation, summary, enumeration
- recast - give a new form, redistribute roles
- reccruiment - recruiting, recruiting
- reccruit - recruit, recruit, recruit, recruit, strengthen / health /
- recede - retreat, remove, refuse, fall / in price /
- receipt - receipt, receipt, receipt, recipe
- receive - to receive, accept, perceive
- received - generally accepted
- receiver - receiver, radio receiver, handset, concealer of stolen goods
- recent - recent, new, modern
- recently - recently
- receptackle - container, container
- reception - reception, receiving, radio reception
- receptive - receptive
- recess - break, vacation, niche, hiding place
- recession - removal, decline
- recessive - recessive
- recident - permanent resident, resident
- recipe - recipe, remedy
- recipient - recipient
- reciprocal - mutual, reciprocal, reverse,
- reciprocal — reciprocal value, inverse matrix
- reciprocate - to hug, move back and forth
- reciprocity - reciprocity, interaction, mutual exchange
- recital - detailed listing, concert of one artist
- recitation - recitation
- recite - read by heart, list
- reckless - reckless, rash, careless
- reckon - to count, count, count, calculate, believe, think
- reclaim - correct, reclamation, raise, demand back
- reclamation - correction, development, drainage, reclamation
- recline - to lie down, to lie down
- recluse - recluse, recluse
- recognition - recognition, recognition, approval
- recognize - recognize, recognize
- recoil - recoil, disgust, recoil, recoil, give / about the gun /
- recollect - remember
- recollection - memory
- recommend - recommend, entrust to care
- recommendation - recommendation
- recompence - compensation, compensate, pay
- reconciliation - reconciliation
- reconcile - to reconcile, settle, coordinate
- recondition - to repair, to put into good condition
- reconnaissance - reconnaissance
- reconning - counting, calculation
- reconnoitre - to conduct reconnaissance, make reconnaissance
- reconsruct - reconstruct to restore
- record - to perpetuate, record-breaking,
- record - recording, document, protocol, record, record, reputation, record
- recostruction - restructuring, reconstruction, restoration
- recount - tell
- recoup - compensate
- recourse - to ask for help
- recover - to return to oneself, to get back, to recover, to come to one’s senses
- recovery - recovery, recovery
- recreation - rest, recuperation, entertainment
- recrimination - mutual accusations
- rectangle - rectangle
- rectangular - rectangular
- rectification - correction, cleansing, straightening / current /
- rectify - correct, straighten / current /, cleanse
- rectitude - honesty, directness
- rector - rector, parish priest
- rectory - parish priest's house
- recumbent - lying, leaning back on something
- recuperate - restore strength
- recuperation - restoration of strength
- recur - repeat, return, recur
- recurence - return, repetition
- recurrent - repeating, periodic, recurrent
- red - red, red
- red handed - at the crime scene
- redbreast - robin
- redcoat - English soldier
- redden - to blush, to blush
- redeem - redeem /pledge/, fulfill /promise/,
- redeem - save, deliver, compensate
- rediffusion - radioification of squares, streets
- redjoin - to join again, to object
- redolent - smelling
- redouble - double, increase, double, increase
- redoubtable - formidable
- redress - correction, compensation, restore, make amends
- reduce - reduce, lower, weaken, reduce, bring, restore,
- reduced - cramped
- reduction - reduction, reduction, discount, demotion
- redudancent - redundant, redundant
- redundance - excess, excess
- redundancy - excess, excess
- reduse - reduce, reduce, lose weight, force
- reed - reed, reed
- reef - reef
- reek - smoke, smell, reek, bad smell
- reel - to spin, spin, stagger,
- reel - reeling, whirlwind, whirling, shotl dance,
- reel - reel, drum, part of the film
- reel off - to unwind, tell quickly
- refer - to direct / to someone /, to refer, to relate, to relate
- referee - arbitrator, judge
- reference - mention, recommendation, help, link
- reference frame - reference system / coordinates /
- refine - cleanse
- refined - refined, refined, refined
- refinement - refining, purification, enrichment, clarification, improvement,
- refinement - sophistication, sophistication
- refinery - refining plant
- refit - to re-equip, repair, repair, overhaul
- reflect - reflect, reflect, reflect
- reflection - reflection, display, reflection
- reflective - reflective
- reflex - reflection, reflex, reflex
- reform - reform, correction, correct, reform, correct
- reformation - transformation, reformation
- reformator - reformer
- reformatory - correctional institution, correctional
- refract - refract
- refractory - rebellious, stubborn, refractory, fireproof
- refrain - refrain, refrain
- refresh - refresh, reinforce
- refreshment - snacks and drinks, buffet
- refrigerate - to cool, freeze
- refrigerator - refrigerator, refrigerator
- refuel - to refuel with fuel
- refuge - refuge
- refugee - refugee, emigrant
- refund - payment / expenses /, pay
- refuse - refuse, refuse
- refusual - refusal, waste
- refutation - refutation
- refute - to refute
- regained - to acquire again, to return again
- regal - regal
- regale - to treat
- regard - respect, attention, look, consider, relate, touch, respect
- regarding - regarding
- regardless - without regard
- regency - regency
- regenerate - to be reborn, regenerate, restore, reborn
- regent - regent
- regime - regime
- regiment - regiment
- regimental - regimental
- region - region, local, regional
- regional - regional
- register - journal, counter, register, register
- registered - registered letter
- registration - registration
- registry - registry
- regression - regression, decline
- regret - regret, repentance, regret
- regretable - regrettable
- regular - correct, regular, ordinary, classified, real
- regularity - regularity
- regularize - orderliness
- regulate - regulate
- regulation - regulation, rule, charter
- rehabbilitation - rehabilitation, restoration, repair
- rehearsal - rehearsal
- rehearse - to rehearse
- rehouse - to move into a new home
- reign - reign, dominance, reign
- reimburse - compensate
- rein - rein, rein, bridle
- rein back - to restrain, hold back
- rein in - to restrain, to hold back
- reincarnation - reincarnation
- reindeer - reindeer
- reinforce - strengthen, reinforce
- reinforced - reinforced
- reinforcement - reinforcement
- reinstate - to restore
- reissure - to republish
- reiterate - repeat
- reject - reject, reject
- rejection - deviation
- rejoice - to please, rejoice
- rejoinder - objection
- rejuvenate - rejuvenate
- relapce - relapse, repetition, get sick again
- relate - tell, have a relationship
- related - related, related
- relation - narration, relationship, connection
- relationship - connection
- relationship - kinship
- relative - relative, relative, corresponding
- relax - weaken, soften, relax
- relaxation - weakening, softening, rest, respite, entertainment
- relay - change, radio broadcast, change, rely, trust
- relay run - relay race
- release - release, release, allow to publish
- relegate - send, direct, demote
- relent - to soften
- relentless - merciless, inexorable, unflagging, tireless
- relevant - relevant, relevant, appropriate
- reliability - reliability, strength
- reliable - reliable
- reliance - trust, hope
- relic - relic, remains, remnants
- relief - relief, help, change, allowance, relief
- relieve - relieve, help out, change, reduce, remove, release
- religion - religion
- religous - religious
- relinquish - to throw, leave
- relish - taste, seasoning, pleasure, enjoyment
- rell up - to reel in
- reload - reload, recharge
- reluctance - reluctance, reluctance
- reluctant - reluctant
- remain - remain, remains, remnants
- remainder - remainder
- remake - transform, remake
- remaking - transformation
- remarable - wonderful
- remark - remark, note, notice, make comments
- remember - remember, remember
- rememberance - memory, memory
- rememedy - medicine, remedy, measure
- remind - remind
- reminicence - reminder
- reminicent - reminiscent
- remiss - careless, weak
- remission - forgiveness, weakening
- remit - forgive, absolve sins, release, send money
- remnant - remainder
- remonstrance - protest
- remonstrate - to protest
- remose - repentance
- remosefull - full of remorse
- remoseless - merciless
- remote - distant, solitary, weak
- removal - removal, movement
- remove - move, eliminate, delete, move
- remuniration - reward
- remunirative - profitable
- rename - rename
- rend - to tear, to rend, to be torn
- render - render
- rending - translation, performance
- renegade - renegade, renegade
- renew - renew
- renewal - renewal
- renezvouz - date
- renounce - to renounce, reject
- renovate - update, restore
- renowed - famous, illustrious
- renown - fame, fame
- rent - rent, rent, rent, gap, hole, split
- renuciation - refusal, renunciation
- reorganaze - to reorganize
- repair - repair, mending, mending, correcting
- reparation - compensation, reparation
- repartee - witty response
- repartriate - to repatriate
- repartriation - repatriation
- repast - banquet
- repay - to repay a debt, pay, compensate
- repeal - cancel, cancel, annul
- repeat - repeat
- repeatedly - repeatedly
- repeater - rehearsal watch, repeating rifle
- repel - to repel, reflect
- repellent - disgusting, repulsive
- repent - to repent, regret
- repentance - remorse, regret
- repentant - penitent
- repercussion - return, reflection, influence, consequences
- repetition - repetition
- replace - put, put in place, replace
- replacement - replacement, replenishment
- replenish - to fill again, replenish
- replete - filled, saturated
- repletion - satiety
- reply - answer, answer
- report - report, rumor, rumor, reputation, fame, sound of explosion, report
- report - report, report, appear, make a report
- reporter - reporter, speaker
- repose - rest, peace
- repository - container, storage
- reppraise - re-evaluate
- reprehend - to reprimand
- represent - represent, depict, be a representative
- representive - representative, typical, representative
- repress - suppress
- repression - suppression, repression
- reprieve - cancellation or replacement of a sentence, respite
- reprimand - reprimand, reprimand
- reprint - to republish, reprint
- reprisal - mark, retribution
- reproach - reproach, reproach, reproach
- reprobate - scoundrel
- reproduce - reproduce
- reproduction - reproduction
- reproof - censure, benefit
- reprove - reprove, reprimand
- reptile - reptile
- republic - republic
- republican - republican, republican
- repudiate - to renounce, reject
- repugnance - disgust
- repugnant - disgusting
- repulate - reputation, glory, consider, believe
- repulated - supposed
- repulation - reputation
- repulse - rebuff, reject, reflect
- repulsion - disgust, repulsion
- repulsive - repulsive
- reqistion - requisition, official demand, requisition
- request - requirement, demand, request, request, ask
- require - require
- requirement - need, requirement
- requiste - required
- rescind - to repeal a law
- rescue - rescue, save, deliver
- rescuer - savior, deliverer
- research - scientific research, search
- resembalance - similarity
- resent - to be indignant, to be offended
- resentment - resentment, indignation
- reservation - reservation, reservation, place
- reserve - stock, reserve, reservation, restraint, save, order
- reserved - ordered in advance, hidden, discreet, uncommunicative
- reservoir - reservoir, pool
- reshuffle - to shuffle, rearrange
- reside - reside, reside, be, rest / for example about charges /
- reside in - to be present
- residence - place of residence, residence
- residual - residual, remainder, difference, deduction
- residue - residue, sediment
- resiential - fashionable
- resign - to resign
- resignation - resignation, humility
- dem - resigned, resigned
- resilience - elasticity
- resilient - resilient, elastic
- resin - resin
- resist - resist
- resistance - resistance
- resistant - resistant, durable
- resmble - to be similar
- resolute - decisive
- resolution - decision, resolution, decisiveness
- resolve - decision, intention, determination, decide, disintegrate, dissolve
- reson - reason, argument, reason, reason to reason, discuss, convince
- resonable - prudent, moderate
- resonant - resonating, sounding, sonorous /lingual/
- resort - refuge, resort, contact, resort
- resound - sound, repeat, announce, glorify
- resource - resources, means, resourcefulness
- resourcefull - resourceful, inventive
- respecable - decent, decent, significant
- respecful - respectful
- respect - respect, attitude, respect
- respecting - respectfully
- respective - corresponding
- respiration - breathing
- respirator - respirator
- respite - respite, respite
- resplendent - brilliant
- respond - respond, react
- respons - response, response
- response - response, response, reaction
- responsibility - responsibility
- responsible - responsible
- responsive - responsive, responsive
- rest - the rest, remainder, peace, rest, support, pause, rest, lean
- restaurant - restaurant
- restful - soothing
- restitution - return, compensation
- restive - restless, restless
- restless - restless, restless, impatient
- restoration - restoration
- restorative - strengthening agent
- restore - to return, restore, restore
- restraint - restraint, limitation, coercion
- restrict - limit
- restriction - restriction
- restrictive - restrictive
- restrin - to hold back, to hold back
- result - result, result, have a result, result, end
- result from - result, occur as a result, be a consequence
- result in - give as a result, lead to / something /
- resultant - resultant / force /, resultant vector,
- resultant - vector sum, resultant, resultant,
- resultant - pure, convolution / functions /, resultant / math /,
- resultant - product / reaction /
- resume - get back, resume, summarize
- resumption - resumption
- resurgent - reborn
- resurrect - to resurrect
- resurrention - resurrection
- resuscitate - bring back to life
- retail - retail sale, retail, sell at retail
- retailer - retailer
- retain - retain, save
- retaliate - to repay
- retaliation - retribution, retribution, retaliation
- retard - slow down, delay
- retcent - reserved, secretive
- retch - burp
- retscience - restraint, secrecy
- retention - holding, preservation, detention
- retentive - holding, preserving
- rethink - reconsider
- retinue - retinue
- retire - to remove, leave, retreat, resign, go to bed
- retired - solitary, retired
- retirement - solitude, resignation
- retiring - shy, modest, retiring
- retort - return, witty answer, object, parry
- retouch - to tint, make corrections
- retrace - return by
- retract - to retract, take back
- retreat - retreat, retreat, refuge, retreat
- retrench - to reduce, cut down
- retribution - retribution
- retrive - return, restore
- retrocpective - reprostective, having retroactive effect
- retrospection - thinking about the past
- return - return, return, return, profit, official report, data
- return - return, return, answer, officially announce, elect
- reunion - reunion
- reveal - discover, give out, reveal a secret
- reveal - show, reveal, expose,
- reveille - wake-up call
- revel - feast
- revelation - revelation
- revenge - revenge, revenge
- revenue - income
- reverence - reverence, reverence
- reverberate - reflect, reflect
- reverberation - reflection, echo
- reverend - reverend
- reverent - respectful, yulagovey
- reverie - dream, daydream
- reversal - change, rearrangement, cancellation
- reverse - rearrange, turn over, cancel, set a reverse move
- reversible - reversible, identical on both sides
- reversion - return
- revert - return
- revet - to veneer
- review - review, overview, review, periodical magazine, parade, revision,
- review - review, browse, review
- reviewer - observer, reviewer
- revise - to correct
- revision - revision, revision
- revival - revival
- revive - come to one's senses, revive, bring to one's senses, resurrect, resume
- revoke - cancel, take back
- revolt - rebellion, mutiny, rebel, feel disgusted, disgust
- revolting - disgusting
- revoluntionary - revolutionary, revolutionary
- revolution - revolution, rotation, revolution
- revolutionaze - to revolutionize
- revolve - to rotate, to return periodically
- revolver - revolver, drum
- revue - variety review, revue
- revulsion - sudden change, widening
- reward - reward
- reword - to express in other words
- rezentful - offended, vindictive
- rhapsody - rhapsody, enthusiastic speech
- rheumatic - rheumatic, rheumatic, rheumatism
- rhinoseros - rhinoceros
- rhombus - rhombus
- rhumbarb - rhubarb
- rhyme - rhyme, rhyme
- rhythm - rhythm
- rhythmal - rhythmic
- rhythmic - rhythmic
- rib - rib, vein, frame
- ribald - obscene
- ribbed - ribbed
- ribbon - ribbon, narrow strip, shreds
- rice - rice, rice
- rich - rich, plentiful, fatty, rich, valuable, sonorous, bright, funny
- riches - wealth, brightness, richness
- richness - stack, stack
- richts - rickety, shaky
- rick - rickets
- rickshow - rickshaw
- rid - to rid, to rid
- riddance - deliverance
- riddle - riddle, sieve, sift, riddle
- ride - ride, walk, ride on horseback, in a carriage
- rider - rider, addition, amendment
- ridge - ridge, mountains
- ridged - pointed
- ridiculous - ridiculous, ridiculous
- riff raff - scumbags
- rifle - rob, rifle, arrows
- rifle range - shooting range
- rifleman - shooter
- rift - crack, gap
- rig - equipment, equipment, suit, outfit, equip, act dishonestly
- rig off - rip off
- rig up - build hastily
- right - right, fair, correct, direct, suitable
- right - straighten, correct, smooth out, right, right side, fair
- righteous - fair, righteous
- rigid - hard, unbending, harsh
- rigidity - rigidity, hardness, severity
- rigmarole - incoherent chatter, nonsense
- rigour - severity, harshness, difficult conditions
- rigourous - strict, stern
- rile - to irritate, make angry
- rill - trickle
- rim - rim, edge, rim
- rime - frost
- rind - bark, rind, rind
- ring - ring, circle, circus gang, gang, clique, surround with a ring,
- ring - to ring, to ring, to ring, ringing, bell, ring, sound
- ring leader - instigator
- ring off - hang up,
- ring out - to ring out / about shots /
- ring up - call, call on the phone
- ringlet - curl
- rink - skating rink
- rinse - to rinse, rinse
- riot - riot, disorder, pomp, riot, causing delight, riot
- riotous - violent, noisy
- rip - cut, tear, rip, split, libertine
- rip out - rip out
- rip up - to rip, open, gap, cut, hole
- ripent - to mature, to mature
- riple - ripe, ripe, ready
- ripping - magnificent, excellent
- ripple - ripple, murmur, ripple, murmur
- riricule - ridicule, ridicule
- rise - rise, rise, passage, beginning, sunrise,
- rise - to rise, to stand up, to rise, to intensify, to rebel, to occur
- rising - rising, sunrise, rise, elevation, ascending, growing
- risk - risk, dare, risk
- risque - salty / about an anecdote /
- rite - ceremony, ritual
- rival - rival, compete
- rivalry - rivalry
- river - river
- river bed - river bed
- river side - river bank, coastal strip
- rivet - rivet, rivet, chain
- roach - roach, roach
- road - road, way
- road metal - crushed stone
- roadstead - raid
- roadster - two-seater open car
- roam - to wander, wander
- roan - roan horse
- roar - roar, noise, roar, roar, roar, rumble
- roast - fry, oven, fry, bake, heat, mock, fried, fried
- roat side - edge of the road
- rob - rob
- robber - robber
- robe - robe, robe
- robberery - robbery
- robin - robin
- robot - robot, automatic
- robust - strong, healthy
- rochy - rocky
- rock - rock, rock, rock, large stone, boulder, swing, sway
- rocket - racket
- rocking chair - rocking chair
- rod - rod, stick, fishing rod, measure of length
- rodent - rodent
- roe - roe deer
- rogue - rogue
- roguery - trickery
- roguish - roguish
- roister - to have noisy fun
- role - role
- roll - bun, list, roll, rotation, roll,
- roll - rotate, roll, roll
- roll call - roll call
- roller - roller, shaft
- roller towel - towel on a roller
- rollick - spring up
- rolling mil - rolling mill
- rolling pin - dump / for dough /
- rolling stock - rolling stock
- rolly poly - pudding with jam, shorty
- roman - Roman, Catholic, Roman, rowan
- romance - novel, love story, romance, romance
- romanian - Romanian, Romanian, Romanian, Romanian language
- romantic - romantic, romantic, romantic
- romp - tinker, make noise, fuss, noisy game
- rondhead - puritan
- roof - roof, shelter
- rook - rook, rook, swindler, sharper, lure money
- room - room, place, rent, occupy a room
- room mate - lodger
- roomy - spacious
- rooplet - spine
- rooster - rooster
- root - to encourage, encourage
- root for - root for someone
- root out - uproot
- root up - uproot
- rooted - rooted
- rop off - fence off with a rope
- rope - rope, rope, rope, tie, tie
- rope in - fence off with a rope
- rosary - rosary, rosary
- rose - rose
- rose bush - rose bush
- rosebud - rose bud
- rosin - rosin, resin
- roster - schedule of orders, duties
- rosy - ruddy, blooming
- rot - rot, deteriorate, fester, spoil, decay, nonsense
- rota - duty schedule
- rotary - rotational, rotary machine
- rotate - rotate, rotate, alternate, alternate
- rotation - rotation, alternation
- rote - by heart
- rotten - rotten, spoiled, disgusting
- rotter - rubbish / about a person /
- rotund - full, thick, pompous
- rouble - ruble
- rouge - blush, blush
- rough - rough, rough, stormy, windy, rough, approximate,
- rough - hooligan
- rough and tumble - disorderly, fight, dump
- rough neck - hooligan, brawler
- roughcast - plastered, plaster
- roughen - to be rude
- roughly - approximately, roughly, approximately, approximate
- round - around, circle, round, go around,
- round - round, circular, solid, full, frank, circle, departure, cycle, round
- round about - pkolny, carousel, roundabout way, traffic intersection
- round off - round off, finish
- round out - to gain weight
- round up - round up /cattle/, arrest
- roundly - frankly
- roundoff - rounding /for example numbers /
- rouse - to scare, wake up, inspire
- rout - attack, chop off the head
- route - route
- routine - template, routine
- rove - to wander, wander
- row - row, row, dispute, quarrel
- rowdy - hooligan, rowdy
- rowlock - oarlock
- royal - royal, magnificent
- royalty - royal power
- rub - to rub
- rub out - to erase, to clean off
- rub up - to refresh
- rubber - rubber, galoshes
- rubbish - rubbish, nonsense
- rubble - crushed stone, cobblestone
- rubicund - ruddy
- ruby - ruby, ruby
- ruck - fold, wrinkle
- rudder - steering wheel
- rudderles - without guidance
- ruddy - reddish, ruddy
- rude - rough, unfinished
- rudimentary - elementary
- rudiments - rudiments
- rue - to regret
- rueful - dull, sad
- ruff - trump card, bryzhi
- ruffian - bully
- ruffle - ripple, turmoil, frill, ripple, disturb, worry
- rug - carpet, plaid
- rugby
- rugged - uneven, harsh
- ruin - death, ruin, destroy, destroy
- rule - rule, board, ruler, edit, line
- ruler - ruler, ruler
- rum - rum, strange, wonderful
- rumanian - Romanian
- rumble - rumble, rumble
- ruminate - chew gum, ruminate
- rummage - search, search, rummage, inspect
- rummage out - pull out
- rummy - strange
- rumour - rumor, rumor, there are rumors
- rump - rump
- rumple - to crush, to ruffle
- run - to run, to work, to prostrate, to conduct business, to collide, to drive, to say
- run across - to meet by chance
- run down - to deplete, to stop
- run out - run out, expire
- run through - to pave
- run up against - bump into
- runaway - fugitive
- rung - step, crossbar
- runner - runner
- running - running, current, sequential
- running board - car step
- runway - runway
- rupture - fracture, rupture, hernia, break through
- rural - rural
- ruse - trick, cunning
- rush - rush, rush, carry away, onslaught, rapid movement, reed
- rush hours - rush hours
- rusk - cracker
- russet - reddish brown
- russian - Russian
- rust - rust, rust, deteriorate
- rustic - rural, simple, rough, peasant
- rusticate - to live in a village, to be temporarily expelled from the university
- rustle - rustle, rustle, steal
- rustler - a person who steals livestock
- rusty - rusty, neglected
- rut - rut, habit
- ruthless - ruthless
- rye - rye, rye whiskey
English Language: Dictionary Resources | Subsections of vocabulary on the web | Bibliography | Semantic groups of words | Synonymous series | Phrasal verbs | Abbreviations | Grammar Author's notes
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Page updated 10/18/2019