Norms of speech development
Effective exercises to improve diction in children and adults
The development of diction and articulation is an important part of the formation of speech culture. The child masters beautiful pronunciation
Summary of a lesson on speech development “Introduction to vowel sounds”
We consolidate the ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants sounds and letters. When you explained the difference between
Psychomotor development of the child, motor skills
Diagnostics of the mental development of children 3-4 years old, methodological development on correctional pedagogy (middle group) on the topic
The psychomotor development of a young child is an integral part in understanding the world around him and preparing
Tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction in children 2, 3, 4 years old
Tongue twisters for sound automation 3/Mnemotracks of tongue twisters
Useful tips: Learning tongue twisters using mnemonic tracks will greatly facilitate this process. The child perceives the word
Mom with child
D. Davis and his method of speech correction for dyslexics
Dyslexia is a partial impairment of reading and writing skills. She's already causing a lot of problems
Visual and didactic manual on sound automation [C] “Interesting cards”
Visual and didactic manual on sound automation [C] “Interesting cards”
Visual and didactic aid on sound automation [C] “Interesting cards” Galina Kostyuk Visual and didactic aid on automation
Child with ODD, session with speech therapist
Formation of coherent speech in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment
The number of children suffering from GSD (general speech underdevelopment) is increasing every year. Such a defect is detected
Topic: “Differentiation of sounds [a] and [ya] in syllables, in words”
Progress of the lesson Organizational moment. Psychostudy “Smile” All the children gathered in a circle (speech therapist and children
Treatment of stuttering in classes with a speech therapist
Stuttering. Corrective work for stuttering, article on correctional pedagogy
Stuttering in children Correction of stuttering is necessary with frequent sessions with a specialized specialist - a speech therapist.
Softening defect. Specifics of the work. methodological development in speech therapy on the topic
Home / What to do if a child softens his consonants? Have you noticed about your children,
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