Tongue twisters and rhymes to reinforce the sound r
Automation of the sound R in words, phrases and sentences [cards]
Who can teach a child to say the letter R? The speech therapist will play one of the most important roles in
Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy in the senior group. Sounds [b] and [b'] and the letter B
Purpose of the lesson: learning the letter B, developing reading skills, developing speech skills, improving phonemic awareness,
Baby touching his ear
Development of phonetic-phonemic perception in children with SLI
WHAT IS PHONEMIC PERCEPTION? Phonemic awareness is the ability to perceive words through perception
Exercises to correct dyslexia in schoolchildren
Exercises for the prevention and correction of dyslexia in primary schoolchildren. Methodological development in speech therapy on the topic
Dyslexia begins to manifest itself most clearly in primary school. At the age of 7-8 years the child is not
Tongue twisters for automating hard whistling sounds (Z, S, Ts)
Pure sayings starting with the letter C Xia-Xia-Xia, Xia-Xia-Xia - they didn’t catch the crucian carp. Se-se-se, se-se-se - crucian carp
Subcortical nodes
What to do if a child is diagnosed with dysarthria: advice from a speech therapist
Dysarthria - symptoms and treatment The following forms of dysarthria are distinguished depending on the damage to the structures
Functional speech styles
Functional speech styles - main types and their characteristics
Definition and characteristics Speech styles are varieties of literary language, distinguished in accordance with
Reductions in the first years of Soviet power
Difficult to pronounce words: origin, education, record-breaking words
In the Russian language there are many words that are difficult to pronounce: terms borrowed from foreign languages, names
Options for violating the pronunciation of the sound sh
How to get rid of a lisp: effective exercises and recommendations
Beautiful and clear speech is the first thing a modern person needs. Depends on her
Speech initiation in young children. System for the formation of communication and speech of a young child
Build-up technique when starting speech. This method of starting speech involves building up an existing syllable
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