Automation of the sound P in straight syllables using visualization. Lesson 3
Automation of the sound P in straight syllables at the beginning and middle of words using visual aids.
The boy is sad
Speech disorders FFNR - causes, symptoms, methods of correction
What is FFNR? Speech is not only the direct reproduction of sound, but also its
Deciphering the deep meaning of the tongue twister “Karl at Clara’s...” -
Tongue twisters on hissing Shiva walked along the highway, crushing existence, and Sasha walked towards him, round
How to learn to pronounce the letter r
How to learn to pronounce the letter r as an adult
Unfortunately, speech impediment is very common these days. The fact is that
Diagnosis of FFNR
Speech disorders FFNR - causes, symptoms, methods of correction
Phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment (FFSD) is a speech disorder that occurs due to the inability to perceive and pronounce phonemes
Levels of general speech underdevelopment
Levels of general speech underdevelopment in children: OHP 1, 2, 3, 4
The state of general speech underdevelopment (GSD) is characterized by a violation of all aspects of the formation of speech skills. Main it
Poems about syllables
Syllable tables. reading material (grade 1) on the topic
Open and closed syllables Syllables can be open and closed. In the words of the Russian language, the majority
Ready-made performances for every taste, for any audience
Ready-made speeches with universal and interesting topics How to become a brilliant storyteller? How to learn public speaking?
Defectologist - what he does, responsibilities and salary
Who is a defectologist? What is the job of a special education teacher? Why does a child need classes with a defectologist?
Everything that a defectologist does is aimed at training, education and social adaptation of children who have
Tongue massage
Consultation “Speech therapy massage: why does a child need it and how to carry it out”
Indications for speech therapy massage The speech therapist selects the type of massage aimed at activating inactive areas
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