Classification of speech disorders. Causes of speech disorders.

Normal speech development is one of the important components of the harmonious development of a child’s personality and successful learning. But there is a category of children who have speech disorders. Such disorders include lexico-grammatical speech underdevelopment (LGSD).

This violation belongs to the psychological and pedagogical classification. Children with LGND are distinguished by preserved sound pronunciation and relatively developed phonemic processes (sometimes as a result of speech therapy assistance). But there is a lag in the level of vocabulary from the norm and the presence of agrammatisms in speech. Most often, this disorder is observed with general speech underdevelopment (GSD).

Forms of manifestation of LGNR

Often this disorder accompanies more serious speech disorders and is one of their symptoms:

  • Exit from motor alalia. With this form of pathology, the process of language acquisition occurs. This is why LGNR occurs with this type of alalia.
  • OHP of any degree.
  • Speech development delay (SDD).
  • Mental retardation (MDD).
  • Dysarthria.

Underdevelopment of the lexico-grammatical aspect of speech is one of the main signs of these disorders. As a rule, its first symptoms appear at 3 years old, when the child begins to communicate in sentences and more actively explore the world around him.


The causes of LGNR can be divided into two large groups - biological and social. The first category includes:

  • adverse effects on the fetus during pregnancy (especially on the brain);
  • difficult course of pregnancy;
  • trauma during childbirth;
  • asphyxia;
  • severe infectious diseases in the first year of a baby’s life.

Social ones include:

  • unfavorable social conditions and speech environment in which the child grows up;
  • prolonged stress;
  • lack of emotional communication with family;
  • overprotection;
  • bilingualism.

The genetic predisposition of children to speech disorders causes controversy among experts. Some believe that this feature is passed on genetically. Another group believes that a child can simply imitate an adult who has a speech impediment.

Description of symptoms

LGNR is expressed not in a violation of sound pronunciation, but in underdevelopment of vocabulary and difficulties in mastering grammatical categories. The impressive vocabulary is sharply behind the norm; the child uses words in speech with the wrong meaning. He has difficulty classifying objects; he cannot find generalizing words. Due to delayed vocabulary, children with LGND have difficulties in understanding speech.

His phrases and sentences are ungrammatical. The norms of agreement in gender, number and case are violated. In the speech of children with LGND, nouns predominate rather than adjectives and verbs. A preschooler has difficulty or does not form possessive pronouns and adjectives at all. Numerals, adverbs, and participles are practically not used in speech.

Most often, such children communicate through phrases and uncommon sentences. They do not use prepositions or conjunctions. Their answers to questions are not extensive; they are usually monosyllabic. Also, children with LGNR have difficulties in word formation, especially in the prefix-suffix way.

LGNR also affects the quality of coherent speech. A preschooler cannot independently compose a story or retell a story. Children with such features of speech development do not write descriptive stories because it is difficult for them to select words that are similar in meaning. All this affects the child’s need for communication. If this defect is not corrected in time, it may cause a violation of written speech. Successful exit from LGNR depends on how early correctional work was started.

Characteristics of violations of the lexico-grammatical aspect of speech in OHP

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with ODD (etiology, classification) Read more: Directions of work to eliminate violations of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech in children

1.3 Characteristics of violations of the lexico-grammatical aspect of speech in OHP

R.I. Lalaeva and N.V. Serebryakov describe in detail lexical disorders in children with ODD, noting the limited vocabulary, the discrepancy between the volume of active and passive dictionaries, inaccurate use of words, verbal paraphasia, unformed semantic fields, and difficulties in updating the dictionary. [11] One of the pronounced features of the speech of children with ODD is the discrepancy in the volume of passive and active vocabulary: children understand the meanings of many words, the volume of their passive is sufficient, but the use of words in speech is very difficult.

The poverty of the active vocabulary is manifested in the inaccurate pronunciation of many words - the names of berries, flowers, wild animals, birds, professions, parts of the body and face. The verb dictionary is dominated by words denoting daily everyday actions. Words that have a generalized meaning and words denoting the assessment, condition, quality and attribute of an object are difficult to assimilate. Words are understood and used inaccurately, their meaning is unevenly expanded, or, on the contrary, it is understood too narrowly.

With OHP, the formation of grammatical structure occurs with greater difficulties than mastering a dictionary: the meaning of grammatical forms is more abstract, the rules for the grammatical change of words are diverse. Mastery of grammatical forms of inflection, methods of word formation, and various types of sentences occurs in children with OSD in the same sequence as with normal speech development; insufficiency of the grammatical structure is manifested in a slower pace of assimilation of the laws of grammar, in the disharmony of the development of the morphological and syntactic systems of the language.

In the works of N.S. Zhukova, L.F. Spirova, T.B. Filicheva, S.N. Shakhovskaya identified the following disorders of the morphological system of language in children with ODD:

This is a misnomer:

– endings of nouns, pronouns, adjectives;

– case and generic endings of cardinal numerals;

– ending verbs in the past tense;

– prepositional case constructions.

Violation of the syntactic structure of a sentence is expressed in the omission of sentence members, incorrect word order, and the absence of complex constructions.

Characteristics of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech in level III OHP:

An extensive vocabulary, the presence of correctly constructed sentences, and a smaller variety of phonetic defects make the oral speech of these children more complete. Such children do not have noticeable, crudely expressed lexical-grammatical and phonetic difficulties. They reveal only more subtle signs of still unformed speech (in the analysis, as a rule, there are indications of a late onset of speech and deviations in its development).

Speech cannot be called fully formed. This is evidenced by quite frequent examples of inaccurate use of words (put stew instead of “poured stew”, long jug instead of “tall jug”, etc.), ungrammatical construction of many phrases: omission of prepositions, incorrect agreement in gender, number (for example: flies bit, the crane came, they planted the fly, all over the plate, etc.).

Deviations in vocabulary and grammar are more noticeable in a situation of conditioned speech, when the free choice of words and grammatical forms is limited. In contrast, in free speech adaptive attempts are possible to “bypass” difficult words, notice them as more familiar and proven, supplement words with gestures, etc.

The limitations of vocabulary are revealed if children are asked to name objects that go beyond the boundaries of everyday life. At the same time, it turns out that children do not name many objects at all, for example: window sill, sieve, watering can, whatnot, etc. A number of objects are indicated incorrectly or using paraphrase, for example, the pronunciation is not conveyed: oar - rake, locomotive - train, cart - sleigh, gingerbread - steering wheel, etc.

At the level of “expanded speech”, children have a relatively large stock of verbs, but less common actions in the situation of conditioned speech are called incorrectly. For example, instead of cutting, he tears paper, forges - cousnes saws out a horseshoe, knits - sews, etc.

Word replacements occur both in meaning and in sound.

In the free speech of children at this level, simple, uncommon sentences predominate. Agrammatisms are common.

1. Incorrect gender agreement:

two berries - two berries, two chairs - two chairs, two ears - two ears, a red bucket - a red bucket, a dog leaves his house - a dog leaves his house.

2. Incorrect use of the verb:

let the princess cut me off (fall in love), she stopped crying (crying), the girl looks from the house (looks out from the house).

3. Violation of agreements including:

little red flags (red), mushrooms growing (growing), palta standing (standing),

4. Incorrect use of case endings:

from the nest - from the nest, along the road - along the road, a girl walks with a briefcase - a girl walks with a briefcase, many houses - many houses, many people - many people.

5. Incorrect use of prepositions and conjunctions:

The dog leaves his home - the dog leaves the kennel, the cow leaves the barn - the cow leaves the barn.

Lexico-grammatical difficulties are especially noticeable; at this level of speech development, in many cases they cannot pronounce the plural form of a word presented in the singular, and vice versa.

Grammatical forms are indistinguishable. For example, case endings that express the transitivity of an action (accusative case) and the instrumentality of an action (the instrumental case) are poorly understood.

The understanding of morphological elements expressing the number of nouns and adjectives is not fully formed. It is not always possible to understand the morphological elements that express the meaning of the gender of the noun (in the development of the neuter) and the gender of the verb. [13]

Thus, in the lexico-grammatical structure of the speech of children with level III SEN, the following features in vocabulary are distinguished:

1. The discrepancy between the volume of active and passive vocabulary; the active vocabulary is dominated by nouns and verbs.

2. Agrammatisms are noted.

In the grammatical structure of speech:

1. Omitting clause members in a sentence.

2. Incorrect word order.

3. Absence of complex structures.

2. Identification of violations of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech in children, their correction

2.1 Methodology for examining the lexico-grammatical structure of speech in children with special needs development

The examination of children of different age groups and different degrees of learning will be structured differently, Gribova O.E. when examining the lexico-grammatical structure of speech, he proposes the following principles:

1. The principle of an individual and differentiated approach assumes that the selection of tasks, their formulation and filling with verbal and non-verbal material should be correlated with the level of the child’s real psycho-speech development and take into account the specifics of his social environment and personal development.

2. It is rational to conduct research in the direction from the general to the specific. First, the specialist identifies problems in the child’s speech development, and then these problems are examined more closely and subjected to quantitative and qualitative analysis.

3. Within each type of testing, the presentation of material is given from complex to simple. This allows the child to complete each test successfully, which creates additional motivation and a positive emotional state, which, in turn, increases the productivity and duration of the examination.

4. From productive types of speech activity to receptive ones. Based on this principle, first of all, such types of speech activity as speaking and writing are examined. Written speech is examined only among schoolchildren who have completed training and have experience in writing similar works.

5. From expressive language competence to impressive one. Such an approach will reduce the time and effort spent on the examination and make the examination of the impressive language stock targeted.

The study of speech development can be carried out not only by the method of individual examination using visual material, but also in the process of observation (passive and active vocabulary) of the free communication of children in games, on walks, in classes with a teacher.

As a result, it is possible to identify the level of verbal communication of children, noting the following features:

– verbal communication skills (does the child easily make contact, how does he make contact with young children, with peers, with adults, can he keep up a conversation, speaks a lot or is silent);

– ability to use the rules of speech etiquette (communication culture):

a) whether he greets and says goodbye without reminders;

b) thanks adults and children for their help;

c) uses different voice volumes depending on the situation;

d) knows how to compromise and come to an agreement in a conflict situation;

e) is he friendly in communication?

f) can he freely, without hesitation, respond to strangers, as well as to the teacher in class. [20]

It is recommended to conduct an examination of children’s speech using visual material.

Methodology for examining vocabulary.

When examining vocabulary (active and passive), the following techniques are used:

1) the child is asked to name pictures depicting:

– objects and their parts (watch – dial, hands, numbers; tree – trunk, branches, roots);

– professions and their attributes (painter – brushes, paints; photographer – camera;)

– animals, birds and their young (dog – puppy; cow – calf);

2) name:

– nouns that combine both specific and generic concepts;

– actions indicating vocal reactions of animals (caws, chirps, barks, moos);

– feelings, emotions (crying, laughing, sad), various natural phenomena;

– actions related to professional activities (listens to the lungs, prescribes medicine, gives injections, checks the throat, etc.), with the animal and plant world (flutters, flies, swims, crawls, etc.);

– semantically similar actions (washes – bathes, sleeps – lies, knits – sews, etc.);

– signs of objects indicating size, color, shape, temperature, weight, seasonality;

– signs indicating food products, the material from which the items are made;

– signs of a general nature;

3) add to the sentence the missing words necessary for the meaning (the dress is very long - mom is hemming the dress; the button came off - mom is sewing the button on...);

4) choose antonyms (evening - morning, day - night, noise - silence, etc.);

5) choose synonyms (the boy is brave, courageous, the river is running, flowing, making noise);

6) form complex words (lumberjack, toothpick, vegetable cutter);

7) select homogeneous members of the sentence to the words - stimuli (snow - falls, falls, sparkles, melts, glitters; ball - rubber, round, new, big, football; flies - butterfly, bumblebee, fly, beetle, airplane, ball);

8) explain the meaning of words (refrigerator, kennel, den, saucepan, etc.);

9) explain the figurative meaning of words (golden hands, golden heart).

When studying the dictionary, special attention is paid to the ability to form new words using suffix-prefix methods. To determine the degree of development of word formation skills, educational tasks are selected:

– masculine diminutive nouns (strap, rug, oak), feminine (shovel, puddle), neuter (window, window, coat, dress);

– nouns with the suffixes of the figure: – nik, – shchik, – tel, – ist (janitor, teacher, builder, pianist, football player);

– prefixed verbs with the meaning of completeness, direction, distance, duration of action (jumped, went around, ran away; lil - poured - poured - poured - poured - poured);

– adjectives: possessive with the suffixes “j” (fox, wolf), “-in” (mother’s, Vovin); with suffixes expressing characterological relevance: chiv-, liv – (silent, smiling, boastful).

At the same time, children were asked to explain the meaning of newly formed words, relying on their existing skills in morphological analysis.

During the examination, fragments of games that are interesting to the child are used. Situations are created in such a way as to increase the child’s speech activity, relieve his shyness, and create a desire to respond better. The speech therapist comments on the situation, prompts the children to react to what is happening (surprised, happy), and offers various manipulations with objects.

Methodology for examining the grammatical structure of a language.

To examine this component of the language, the goal is to find out:

– how the child understands and uses prepositions in speech: in, on, from, under, from under, because of, between, about, above;

– how to use plural genitive nouns (loops, apples, saucers);

– how to form the comparative degree of adjectives:

a) in a simple (synthetic) way using suffixes (ee - her), especially with alternating consonants (tall - higher, expensive - more expensive, simple - simpler, dry - drier);

b) in a suppletive way (better, worse);

– how to agree in gender, number, case, adjectives with nouns;

– how to form the plural of nouns with non-productive endings (leaves, foals);

– how to use verb forms:

a) differently conjugated verbs (to run, to want);

b) conjugated verbs with special endings in personal forms (eat, eat, give, give);

c) present, past tense, imperative mood with alternating sounds (ride, burn, cut);

– how to form participles (read – reading);

– what types of sentences does he use in independent speech?

– can the broken word order in a sentence be restored?

– can he make up sentences from words given in any order and in their original form, correctly matching the words and their order in the sentence.

The following tasks are used during the examination:

– adding words used in the required grammatical form to sentences;

– drawing up proposals on issues; drawing up proposals for demonstrating actions;

– drawing up proposals for a painting, a series of paintings;

– drawing up proposals based on supporting words;

– making sentences based on a word in a given case form. [13]

Technology for examining the lexico-grammatical structure of speech proposed by O.E. Gribova.

Speech examination of preschool children.


In accordance with the formulated principles, the examination begins with the study of active vocabulary.

Taking into account the normative features of the lexicon, as well as the difficulties of establishing verbal contact with children of early and early preschool age, the presence of persistent speech negativism in a number of children, it is necessary to conduct a survey using real objects, their toy analogues and a limited number of realistic three-dimensional images of a number of objects. In this case, the examination is carried out during manipulation with objects or in the process of organizing simple games with minimal restriction on the child’s freedom of movement. Therefore, the “space” of the examination can move to the floor, to the closet with toys, and possibly extend to the entire area of ​​the office. When working with children 3–3.5 years old, along with toys, you can use colorful illustrations for well-known fairy tales with a simple plot: “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Ryaba Hen”, etc.

Children of middle and senior preschool age should be encouraged to work with objects and story pictures that can be selected from any set of teaching aids. However, preference should be given to pictures whose images can be interpreted unambiguously. The child is asked to complete tasks presented in a playful form, such as “Guess what the artist forgot to draw in the pictures,” “Add…”, “Correct…”, “Compare two objects,” etc.

For children over 5.5 years old, general concepts are introduced into the examination. However, the speech therapist must clearly and consciously distinguish between everyday and scientific generalizing concepts. In addition, for children of different ages and conditions of upbringing, it is important to consider differently the presence in the child’s active or passive vocabulary of those concepts that are formed in the process of life (food, clothing, toys) and those that are formed in the learning process (domestic and wild animals). , fruits, vegetables, furniture, transport, etc.).

Study of the state of the passive dictionary, i.e. finding out how much the child understands vocabulary that he does not speak.

A number of words can be used correctly in a child’s speech, but may cause difficulties in the child’s perception, especially if there are problems with phonemic perception. In this case, words are presented that are similar in sound, but differ in the number of sounds and their sequence (belt - train, stamps - frames, crow - gate). Such a test can be carried out based on pictures or orally. Difficulties in differentiating words that are similar in sound composition may be due to insufficient phonemic perception. This requires in-depth research in this direction.

The speech therapist should pay attention to the correlation of the volume of the vocabulary of nouns, verbs and adjectives. And also record in the examination protocol the child’s mistakes in using lexical means.

The procedure for examining vocabulary is tiring for a child, as it requires intensive recall and long-term concentration from him, so it is recommended to combine verbal tasks with small motor pauses, performing play actions with objects and other types of activities that allow the child to relax.

The grammatical structure of speech.

The examination begins with the level of development of the child’s syntactic skills.

If a child has the beginnings of phrasal speech, then the study of grammatical structures is carried out in the process of manipulating toys. It is determined whether the child speaks a phrase, what is the length of this phrase and its structure. In addition, it is checked whether the child understands the simplest instructions. In this case, prompting gestures, intonation, and pointing glances are strictly excluded.

If the child has formed phrasal speech, then you can begin the study with complex sentences that are accessible to children in structure, gradually moving on to simpler ones, until you determine the level that the child confidently speaks.

The tasks can be given in a wide variety of ways: “Tell me what you see...”, “Make a sentence with the words...”, “Answer my questions with complete answers,” etc.

Study of passive grammar, using pictures. These are a series of pictures that depict different objects that have the same color or object performing the same action. For example: blue pencil, blue bucket, blue book, blue cubes. The blanket fell to the floor, the fork fell, the spoon fell, the leaves fell.

The examination of active grammar is carried out on the material of spatial prepositions, conditionally divided into several groups, in accordance with the sequence of their formation in ontogenesis:

· in, on, under;

· with, from, over;

· to, from, because of, from under;

· behind, before, between, through, about.

It is very important to note that in some cases the same preposition, depending on its meaning, can be used with different case endings. For example, the preposition “in” in the meaning of the location of an object is combined with the prepositional case of the noun (in the table, in the box), and in the meaning of the direction of movement - with the accusative (in the table, in the box).

Therefore, during the examination, children are asked questions: “Where is it?”, “Where did they put it?”, “Where did they get it from?” etc. At the same time, attention is paid not only to the adequate use of prepositions, but also to the correct use of case endings.

Examinations of inflection and word formation can ask children to change and form words using analogies or patterns. The duration of the procedure for teaching grammatical actions by analogy is a fairly reliable indicator of the formation of language ability and the preservation of the basic mechanisms that ensure the grammatical design of language units, therefore, the absence (presence) of pathology of the grammatical structure of speech.

If a child has severe underdevelopment of speech, the range of grammatical means in active grammar is sharply limited, therefore, when examining these children, it is rational to use special didactic material designed to test the understanding of the simplest grammatical categories: number, gender, tense, some case forms and constructions. Instructions like “Show me where (and which picture) the pencil is, and where the pencils are...”, “Give me a cube” are used. Give me some cubes...” etc.

During the examination of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech, an examination protocol should be kept, where data on the presented material, what material the child copes with successfully is entered, and the child’s mistakes are recorded. [5]

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with ODD (etiology, classification) Read more: Directions of work to eliminate violations of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech in children

Information about the work “Features of the lexico-grammatical aspects of speech in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment (III level)”

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Diagnostic features

The speech therapist selects visual material depending on the age of the child. When examining the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech, the specialist pays special attention to:

  • state of vocabulary (impressive and active);
  • mastery of word formation skills;
  • the ability to coordinate words in phrases and sentences;
  • which parts of speech the child uses more;
  • development of coherent speech.

The child is asked to complete a task of generalization and comparison of objects. The speech therapist pays attention to how well the baby understands the speech addressed to him. He is also asked to form possessive adjectives and pronouns; make up new words. To assess coherent speech and mastery of grammatical categories, a speech therapist observes how the child communicates outside of educational activities.

For diagnosis, the child is asked to compose a story based on the picture. During this task, the specialist assesses how often the child uses common sentences; does the words agree? Do you need the help of an adult when compiling them? In addition, the list of tasks includes working with synonyms and antonyms.

Based on the results of the examination, the speech therapist selects special exercises that will most effectively correct this speech disorder.

Causes of OHP in children:

  • infection or intoxication (early or late toxicosis) of the mother during pregnancy,
  • incompatibility of the blood of mother and fetus due to Rh factor or group affiliation,
  • pathology of the natal (birth) period (birth injuries and pathology during childbirth),
  • diseases of the central nervous system and brain injuries in the first years of a child’s life
  • unfavorable conditions of education and training, mental deprivation.

Manifestations and diagnosis of general speech underdevelopment.

Despite the fact that OSD can accompany various forms of speech pathologies, children have typical manifestations that indicate systemic disorders of speech activity:

  • later onset of speech: the first words appear by 3–4, and sometimes by 5 years;
  • speech is agrammatic and insufficiently phonetically designed;
  • the child, understanding the speech addressed to him, cannot correctly voice his thoughts;
  • The speech of children with general speech underdevelopment is difficult to understand.
  • low speech activity;
  • criticality to speech failure;
  • uneven speech and mental development

All children with OHP always have a violation of sound pronunciation, underdevelopment of phonemic hearing, and a pronounced lag in the formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech.

Features of working on improving vocabulary

With LGNR, the main attention is paid to correcting vocabulary, grammatical structure and coherent speech. Work on the lexical component is carried out in the following areas:

  • expansion and activation of vocabulary;
  • its clarification;
  • developing the ability to use generalizing words:
  • developing an understanding of complex grammatical structures.

It is best to start working on understanding speech in the context of objective activity. Thus, not only the vocabulary will be enriched, but also its clarification and use in active speech.

By completing tasks using generalizing words, the child learns a specific lexical topic. He learns to classify objects into categories; compare according to various criteria. To consolidate the acquired skills, the speech therapist asks what a certain word means, when it is used in speech, etc.

Work is being carried out not only on updating nouns, but also adjectives, verbs and other parts of speech. It is best to introduce them into active speech in combination with objective activities. For example, adjectives when examining objects, selecting synonyms. Verbs - directly when performing any action; numerals - during counting, etc.

The state of vocabulary affects both the acquisition of grammatical categories and the quality of coherent speech. But the correction of these important components must be carried out in combination for the classes to be effective.

The second level of speech development is characterized by

  • Use of simple phrases, although phonetically and grammatically distorted. Children can answer questions based on the picture related to family, familiar events in their surrounding life;
  • Impoverished dictionary. There are limited possibilities for using a subject dictionary, a dictionary of actions, and signs. Children do not know many words denoting parts of the body, animals and their young, clothing, furniture, professions;
  • Gross errors in the use of grammatical structures. For example: - mixing of case forms (for example, “the car is driving” instead of “... by car”); - the use of nouns in the nominative case, verbs in the infinitive or the 3rd person singular and plural form of the present tense; - lack of agreement of adjectives with nouns, numerals with nouns (for example, “krasin lenta”, “delicious mushrooms”); —errors in the use of number and gender of verbs, in changing nouns according to numbers (for example, “girl sits”, “two ears”, “two stoves”). Children at this level do not use neuter nouns. They also find it difficult to use prepositions, often either omitting them altogether, while using the noun in its original form (for example, “I was Lelka” - “I was at the Christmas tree”), or replacing the preposition (“Sopaka lives in a booth” - “The dog lives in the booth"). Children use conjunctions and particles little;
  • Impaired speech understanding. However, speech understanding is significantly better compared to the first level of OHP. Children distinguish some grammatical forms, although this distinction is still unstable. They understand the singular and plural forms of nouns and verbs. Difficulties remain in understanding the number forms and gender of adjectives. The meanings of prepositions are distinguished only in a well-known situation;
  • Significant disturbances in the sound aspect of speech. Many sounds are missing, replaced or pronounced distorted. First of all, these are sounds that are complex in articulation (whistling, hissing, sonorators: l-l; r-ry). Many hard sounds are replaced by soft ones or vice versa (five - “pat”, dust - “dil”). In contrast to the first level, the pronunciation of articulatory simple sounds becomes clearer;
  • Violation of the syllabic structure of many words, especially with a combination of consonants. When reproducing words with a cluster of consonants, omissions of consonant sounds of the cluster, addition of vowels within the cluster and other distortions are observed (for example, window - “ako”, bank - “baka”, star - “vidya”). The syllabic structure of a word is more stable than the sound structure. Children reproduce the outline of two- and three-syllable words. However, four- and five-syllable words are reproduced so distortedly that they become completely unrecognizable, for example, the number of syllables is reduced (policeman - “anye”, bicycle - “siped”).

Features of working on grammatical structure and coherent speech

Classes are conducted in the following areas:

  • formation of word formation skills;
  • mastering the skill of coordinating not only nouns with adjectives, but also with other parts of speech;
  • composing complex common sentences;
  • compiling a descriptive story based on a plot picture.

The speech therapist works with the child on the use of various grammatical structures. Teaches the use of prepositions and conjunctions in speech. Tasks are offered for the declension of nouns, adjectives, and verbs. In addition to improving grammatical structure, work is being done in parallel to develop coherent speech.

The specialist’s task is not just to teach how to compose a story without the help of an adult, but so that the child can establish logical connections between sentences. At the beginning of the work, the speech therapist helps through leading questions and drawing up a hint plan. Then, gradually, the baby learns to independently give detailed answers and talk about familiar topics.

In addition, work is underway on intonation expressiveness. The child is introduced to the peculiarities of using interrogative and exclamatory intonation. It can be well practiced by staging theatrical performances, expressive reading and memorizing poems.

Correction forecast

The effectiveness of corrective work depends on how early LGNR was identified. The sooner, the better the result will be. With timely speech therapy assistance before entering first grade, it is possible to cope with this disorder. Or you can reduce the gap from the norm as much as possible.

The outcome is also influenced by the characteristics of the speech disorder. The more complex it is, the longer it will take to corrective work to develop the necessary skills. During schooling, LGNR can cause the development of dysgraphia and dyslexia. Therefore, correctional work should be carried out in preschool age.

LGND is usually part of a more complex speech disorder. Therefore, the speech therapist draws up a lesson plan to eliminate the cause of any defect. This disorder becomes more noticeable after 3 years, when the baby begins to interact more actively with the outside world.

To prevent the occurrence of LGNR, adults need to communicate more with the child and be interested in his opinion. While walking, practice some areas for developing lexical and grammatical structure. After all, parents also have an important influence on speech development. Therefore, the speech therapist and parents must interact together so that the child has beautiful and literate speech.

The first level of speech development is characterized by

  • Complete or partial absence of speech. As a rule, children communicate with others using “babble” words, incomplete, “babble” sentences, reinforcing statements with gestures and facial expressions. Children's active vocabulary consists of a small number of onomatopoeias and sound complexes. Children often replace the names of actions with the names of objects and vice versa (for example, to open - “drev” (door), play with a ball - just “ball”, airplane - “fly”);
  • Lack of phrasal speech. Children use one-word sentences;
  • Blurred sound pronunciation, unclear articulation, inability to pronounce many sounds;
  • Difficulties in reproducing the syllabic structure of a word. Most often, children reproduce monosyllabic sound complexes (cubes - “ku”), or repeated syllables (“bi-bi”, “tu-tu”). Sound word analysis is not available for children;
  • Lack of understanding of the meaning of grammatical changes to a word. For example, children do not distinguish between the singular and plural forms of a noun, the past tense of a verb, an adjective, masculine and feminine forms, and do not understand the meaning of prepositions.
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