Features of child speech development at three years old
What to do if a child speaks his own language at 3 years old?
General information Normally, the baby pronounces the first word at the age of 10-11 months, a simple phrase
Methods for early detection of dyslexia (A.N. Kornev) educational and methodological material on speech therapy (grade 1) on the topic
The presented monograph is based on the practical experience of more than 20 years of studying the problem of writing disorders.
slurred speech
Scanned speech - characteristic of multiple sclerosis and other disorders
Speech difficulties are a speech disorder that prevents normal communication and social interaction.
Peculiarities of classes of a speech pathologist teacher with children of primary school age with developmental disorders
Who is a defectologist Definition 1 A defectologist is a special teacher who conducts correctional classes
Onomatopoeia word
Onomatopoeia or the living Russian language: is it necessary to imitate sounds?
Definition Onomatopoeia in Russian is: 1. Reproduction of various sounds of the surrounding reality. If
Book Study
Sonorant sounds - types, characteristics and features of pronunciation
Let's remember the basis of any language. Yes, yes, exactly phonetics! What it is? Phonetics - area
Article “Formation of an air stream and development of speech breathing in the process of sound pronunciation correction.” Author: Khokhlova Zoya Mikhailovna
www.Logopedy.ru Author: Zakharova Yulia Aleksandrovna teacher-speech therapist of the MADOU “Kindergarten “141” of the Aircraft Construction District of Kazan. Original:
[organizational and legal form, name of organization, enterprise] I approve [position, signature, full name of the manager or other
Winter Words Game Answers
Winter words methodological development in the Russian language (grades 2, 3, 4) on the topic
Winter words: Levels 1-2 LIST OF ALL LEVELS OF THE GAME “WINTER WORDS” Below you will find
Normal and uvular (throat) pronunciation of the sound r
Eliminating the throat pronunciation of the sound “R”: step-by-step work
Speech defects can vary. You can often find incorrect pronunciation of sounds, for example, replacing one
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