“Methods of speech therapy and principles of speech therapy” Methods of speech therapy and principles of speech therapy. Principles of analysis
What does a speech therapist do? It is believed that specialists work only on sound pronunciation, that is, they teach children
Long-term plan for the work of a speech therapist teacher at a speech center in a preschool educational institution for the academic year Ekaterina Igorevna Perspective
A child’s speech at 1 year of age depends on how the preparatory work was carried out for its development.
Causes of stuttering in children At risk are children whose parents have diseases of the nervous system.
Summary of a group lesson on speech therapy with second grade students Topic: Differentiation of S-C in words,
Summary of an open lesson on sound automation [P] Goal: Automate clear pronunciation of the sound [P] on
Perceptual impairments in persons with speech impairments 4.1. Perception as a mental characteristic Perception –
One of the most common reasons for visiting a pediatric neurologist is a delay in the child’s speech development.