The speech therapy examination should be based on general principles and methods of pedagogical examination: it should
The Tale of the Tongue...or why some children don't pronounce certain sounds? Sometimes it happens
Speech disorders have a varied nature depending on the degree of their manifestation, on the localization of the impaired
Goals and objectives Goals: we study the letter N with children; develop oral and written speech;
Various speech dysfunctions are a common symptom and complication of stroke. They are classified as focal
The article proposes and characterizes the mandatory sections of the information stand for parents in the speech therapy group, which contribute to
Many remember with a shudder the moments when during their school years they had to memorize poetic works.
Types and causes of pronunciation disorders The following types of sound pronunciation disorders of the sound “Y” are distinguished: absence -
People in the room don't see how you feel, they only see how you feel.
Every mother eagerly waits for her baby to say his first word. Most often this