Game "Edible and poisonous mushrooms"
The cap of the russula can be red-violet, bluish-green, yellow, dark red, olive-brown, yellow-brown with a greenish tint. Russulas grow in damp forests under deciduous and coniferous trees, on the sides of roads and paths, and love damp birch forests. Russula mushroom is edible, but cannot be eaten raw.
Next to the needles
Saffron milk caps under the trees,
Not small, not big
And they lie like nickels.
There are pine and spruce saffron milk caps. The two brothers look alike, only slightly different in color, even red-orange. And the spruce saffron milk cap is yellow or bluish-green. As soon as you touch the mushroom, it becomes covered in green spots in these places. If you break it, the juice on the break also turns green. Therefore, saffron milk caps cannot be confused with any other mushroom.
Under the aspen trees and over the hummocks
Mushroom in a crimson scarf
Call me boletus
And it will have to be taken.
Boletus has yellow-brown, red-brown, brown, and orange caps. Boletuses are slender, strong, as if carved from wood. They grow in the forest where aspen, birch, pine and oak trees are found. When you cut an aspen boletus, the stem turns blue along the cut.
Boletus mushrooms.
This mushroom grows near birch trees. The cap is swollen, like a fluffed pillow, smooth and dry. In wet weather it is slightly slimy. The color of the caps varies - grayish, whitish, gray-brown, mouse-gray, brown, dark brown and almost black. The stem of the mushroom is whitish, fibrous, slightly thickened towards the bottom and covered with scales. If the mushroom is broken, its color does not change. The boletus is similar to the boletus, and by breaking the mushroom, we can determine exactly what kind of mushroom it is.
Chanterelles are visible from afar: they are like yellow flowers in the emerald grass. Their leg widens towards the top and resembles a gramophone tube. Chanterelles are rarely wormy; they are always clean and strong. These mushrooms are light yellow, with a reddish tint or pale orange.
The pig is conditionally edible. And if you don’t know how to handle it correctly, you can get poisoned. The cap is yellowish-brown. The leg is short, smooth and tapering towards the bottom. The stem is attached to the cap not, like all mushrooms, in the middle, but on the side. That's why the mushroom's cap hangs like a pig's ear. For this he received such a name. The little pigs live in large families.
Milk mushroom.
Milk mushrooms are white, black, yellow.
The white milk mushroom has a creamy-yellow cap and the edges seem to be turned down. The black milk mushroom has a very large greenish-brown or dark brown, almost black cap with a yellow edge. This mushroom grows in birch or mixed forests. It is often called nigella. Black milk mushroom is not afraid of frost. If it’s warm after the frost, mushroom pickers will be happy until the beginning of November. There are also aspen milk mushrooms; brownish and reddish spots are visible on its whitish cap. Oak milk mushroom, a mushroom covered with yellowish spots with a yellow-orange cap and a short stalk. Milk mushrooms appear after frequent rains, grow in whole families, as if they are loaded on each other, you will find such a family and the basket is full. That's why the mushroom was called that. Take these mushrooms to your basket!
Game program for elementary school students on the topic: Mushrooms
Summary of the game program for primary school students “Mushroom secrets”
Author: Evgenia Yuryevna Podkorytova, teacher.
Place of work: GOU YaO Bagryanikovskaya boarding school for orphans and children without parental care with disabilities. Summary of the game program for elementary school students “Mushroom Secrets.”
Goal: generalization and systematization of students’ knowledge about mushrooms. Objectives: systematize and test students’ knowledge about mushrooms; develop logical thinking, cognitive activity, enrich students’ vocabulary; cultivate a love of nature and respect for mushrooms. Equipment: • phonogram “Birdsong”; • posters with images of mushrooms; • cards with a task for the game “Funny Counting”; • a set of pictures depicting edible and inedible mushrooms; • cards with puzzles about mushrooms; • cards with proverbs. Progress of the program. The phonogram “Birdsong” plays. When entering the hall, students take out folded leaves from the basket (colored side inward - two colors are prepared), unfold and determine the game table, and sit down in two teams according to color. The work of each team will be led by a teacher. Presenter: The house is open on all sides. It is covered with a carved roof. Come into the green house. You will see miracles in it. - What do you think this riddle says? (Children's answers)
- For what purpose do they go to the forest?
(Children's answers)
- Guess the riddle: And on the hill, and under the hill, Under the birch tree and under the Christmas tree, In round dances and in a row, the fellows are standing in their hats.
- That's right, this riddle is about mushrooms. - Why do we pick mushrooms? (Children's answers)
- We received a complaint: Do what you want with us: cut, fry, boil, dry, salt.
Even pickle it. But just don’t tear it up by the roots, don’t tear up the forest litter around, don’t spoil our mycelium! If you don’t listen, we’ll stop growing altogether. Mushrooms. — How to pick mushrooms correctly? (Children's answers)
- What danger awaits mushroom pickers who are new to mushrooms.
(Children's answers)
- Today we will play a game that will help us find out whether you are familiar with mushrooms, what you know about them. You will work in teams. For each correctly completed task and for the correct answer to a question, the team will receive a token (in the shape of a mushroom). - So, the first task. I will read poems about mushrooms, and you must find their image on the posters. 1. I am growing in a red cap Among the aspen roots, You will see me a mile away, I am called an aspen boletus. 2. Although I am tempting in appearance, I am, however, poisonous. People have known for a long time that fly agaric is inedible. 3. I am under an old pine tree, Where the old stump is bent, Surrounded by my family, A strong, important boletus. 4. A family lives on a stump: Mom, dad, brothers, me. We have one house, but everyone has their own roof. Very friendly guys. Honey mushrooms live on the stump. 5. I’m not used to being liked. Anyone who eats me will get poisoned. I'm standing here in the clearing, I am a pale toadstool. 6. Along the forest paths there are many white legs, in multi-colored hats, noticeable from a distance. Collect - don't hesitate. We are russulas. 7. I don’t argue, I’m not white, I, brothers, am simpler. I usually grow up in a birch grove. 8. Not a tiger cub, not a fox cub. Round, thin plates. From head to toe, a bright red boy. Come closer to him, A saffron milk cap has grown under the tree. 9. In the sunshine, at the edge of the forest, the Fox stuck out her ears. And he is not afraid to sleep side by side with this fox. 10. In the forest, to the delight of people, Among the young pines, In a shiny dark hat, an oil can fungus grows. 11. In thin dresses at the edge of the forest, girlfriends lead a round dance, Dresses are striped silk: red, white, pink, satin. On an autumn day at the edge of the forest. How beautiful we are, the little waves. 12. It grows in the spring under the damp leaves and stands like an old man, wearing a wrinkled morel hat. — Task two “Funny counting”. Count how many mushrooms there are in this picture.
Students receive a task card. You are given 1-2 minutes to complete the task. — Third task: guess riddles about mushrooms. 1. In a forest clearing, under a mighty pine tree, there stands an old man, wearing a brown cap. A cap on a barrel, Whoever is in the forest knows it (boletus). 2. They wear red berets, they bring autumn to the forest in the summer, very friendly Golden sisters…. (chanterelles). 3. He stood on a strong leg, Now he lies in a basket. (mushroom) 4. There are no mushrooms more friendly than these, Adults and children know. They grow on stumps in the forest, like freckles on the nose. (honey mushrooms) 5. He stood in the forest, Nobody took him. In a fashionable red hat, good for nowhere (fly agaric) 6. The first sign of summer: Under a birch tree in the cold, A brown mushroom On a spotted root (boletus) 7. He will be born in an aspen forest, No matter how he lurks in the grass. We'll find him anyway, He's wearing a red hat. (boletus) 8. He timidly looked out from the moss hummock, raising a chain of ripe cranberries above his head. (moss fly) 9. All in sight, he stands near the pine trees, He is as tall as an inch, As if soaked in sunflower oil, The root is yellow. (oil can) - Fourth task: quiz about mushrooms. 1. List ways to use mushrooms for food. (drying, frying, boiling, salting, pickling) 2. What forest animals eat mushrooms? (squirrels, moose, badgers) 3. Does the squirrel eat dry or fresh mushrooms? (dry) 4. What mushrooms does the hedgehog eat? (does not eat) 5. Do moose and badgers eat dry or fresh mushrooms? (fresh) 6. Why do moose eat fly agarics? (being treated) 7. What is the name of the medicinal mushroom that grows on a birch tree? (chaga) 8. What mushrooms appear first in early spring? (morels, lines) 9. This mushroom does not have a snout, it does not grunt, but it bears the name of a domestic animal (pig). 10. If you find yourself in the forest and are hungry, then these mushrooms can be eaten in small quantities and raw. (russula) 11. What is called “silent hunting”? (mushroom picking) 12. What is the second name for the porcini mushroom? (boletus) 13. Which mushrooms never harbor worms? (chanterelles) 14. What hat can you never put on your head? (mushroom cap) 15. Which mushroom is called the King of Mushrooms? (boletus) 16. What mushroom is named after a forest animal? (chanterelles) 17. Which mushrooms end summer? (milk mushrooms) 18. What mushrooms signal the arrival of autumn? (honey mushrooms) - Fifth task: guess the puzzles. The names of which mushrooms are encrypted in them?
(Answers: chanterelles, boletus, aspen boletus, fly agaric).
— Sixth task: collect edible mushrooms in a basket. Students are given a set of pictures with edible and poisonous mushrooms and boxes. They should only put pictures of edible mushrooms in the box. — Seventh task: collect proverbs. For the first part in the left column, select a continuation from the right column, connect with lines. SPRING IS RED WITH FLOWERS THEN AND LOTS OF MUSHROOMS. WHERE ARE OAKS, AND AUTUMN IS WITH MUSHROOMS. IT RAINS IN THE EVENING - THERE ARE MUSHROOMS. WHEN IT'S WET, EXPECT MUSHROOMS IN THE MORNING. - Now we’ll play with you. An outdoor game “Find the fungus” is played. Contents of the game: Children - mushrooms are walking in a circle, the mushroom picker is in the center, walking in the opposite direction, blindfolded. Mushroom picker: One, two, three, four, five I will look for mushrooms: Chanterelles, honey mushrooms, white mushrooms, boletus... Children - mushrooms scatter around the playground. Stop! Children - mushrooms freeze in place. The mushroom picker tries by touch to find the mushroom - the child - and say his name. The recognized child becomes a new mushroom picker. Guidelines: After the Stop signal!
children - mushrooms should not move from their place. You can’t give a hint to a mushroom picker. To avoid injury, the instructor gives verbal instructions to the mushroom picker if he goes beyond the boundaries of the site. Option: If a mushroom picker finds it difficult to recognize a child by touch, then he can recognize him by his voice by asking: What kind of mushroom? The child names a mushroom (boletus, boletus, russula, fly agaric...) - Well, now let’s sum it up.
Presentation of prizes.
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Quizzes for children. Mushroom quizzes
Quiz about mushrooms, about mushrooms for schoolchildren. Create fun and exciting competitions with these quiz questions.
Quiz "Mushroom"
You went to the forest to rest,
Pick berries and mushrooms,
Take edible mushrooms,
Do not put poisonous ones in the basket.
■ Which plants do not have roots, stems and leaves? (Mushrooms).
■ What are mushroom seeds called? (Disputes).
■ What is another name for the boletus mushroom? (Porcini).
■ Which “friendly” mushrooms look like umbrellas with their thin legs and piquant yellowish caps? (Honey mushrooms).
■ Which edible mushrooms appear first? (Mols, lines).
■ Which mushrooms, with their caps, resemble beautiful pinkish puddles with running waves? (Volnushki).
■ What is the second name for the mushrooms? (Volzhanki).
■ Which mushrooms, growing in groups in pine-birch forests, have caps that look like wide pipes and are white, black or yellow? (At the milk mushrooms).
■ What are mushrooms with strong white stems and tight red or orange caps called? (Boletus).
■ Which poisonous mushrooms have caps that are not only red, but even green, gray or completely white? (At fly agarics).
■ What mushroom is called the forest hero? (Porcini mushroom, or boletus mushroom).
■ Which mushrooms growing in coniferous forests have funnel-shaped caps that collect water when it rains? (In saffron milk caps).
■ What poisonous mushrooms can be identified by their pale green cap that looks like an accordion underneath? (Pale toadstools).
■ Which mushrooms are called redheads because of their bright, distinctive caps? (Boletus).
■ Which mushrooms are similar to both boletuses (only with brownish or gray caps) and boletus mushrooms (only smaller and thinner)? (Boletus mushrooms).
■ What mushrooms used to be pickled in whole barrels and eaten with potatoes all winter? (milk mushrooms).
■ Which mushrooms have white stems and empty insides, like tubes? (At the Volnushki (Volzhanka)).
■ Which poisonous mushrooms wear a “skirt”? (Amanitas and toadstools).
■ Many mushrooms have “telling” names. Why are they called so: boletus, boletus, boletus, oak, chanterelle, russula?
Blitz quiz “Mushrooms”
■ Who wears a hat on their foot? (Mushroom).
■ Some mushrooms are edible, and some are... (Inedible).
■ The most beautiful poisonous mushrooms. (Fly agarics).
■ The most nutritious mushrooms. (Porcini mushrooms, or boletus mushrooms).
■ Mushrooms that have a special reddish-olive color. (Saffron milk caps).
■ Neighbors of birch trees. (Boletus mushrooms).
■ They most often grow under aspen trees, but are found under birch and oak trees. (Boletus).
■ Deadly poisonous mushrooms, “relatives” of the fly agaric. (Pale toadstools).
■ Most suitable for pickling. (milk mushrooms).
■ Pink mushroom, good for pickling. (Volnushka).
■ The second name for the mushrooms. Volzhanki. “They will quickly save you from starvation in the forest. (Russula).
■ Edible mushrooms that are grown all year round. (Champignon).
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015 08:36 + to quote book
Children about mushrooms
Cards with tasks about mushrooms.
The tasks contain information about the following mushrooms: Chanterelles, Boletus, Boletus, Boletus, Honey mushrooms, Oyster mushrooms, Fly agaric, Russula, Butterfly, Rizhik, Milk mushroom, Summer Honey fungus, Champignons. About Mushrooms for Children
Names of all Mushrooms
Poems about Mushrooms:
About mushrooms (Elena Dolgikh)
If the cap is red, There are a lot of white dots, Then the matter is clear - The mushroom is poisonous!
We won't take it, so as not to get poisoned. This colorful army must be avoided. If it looks unprepossessing, It hides skillfully, This is the most delicious mushroom Under the name “white”! Carefully cut it, put it in a basket, marinate, salt and eat until spring, all winter! And on an old stump, And especially in the shade, mushrooms grow like a family - Together, like soldiers, honey mushrooms stretch out. There are boletus in the spruce forest. Those unpretentious ones, snotty caps. They seem ugly, but if you fry them, it’s great! Everything is clear with these. There is also a mushroom - a milk mushroom, which will drive away sadness from the soul. He looks like a funnel, White in color, Often hides to the side From the daylight. Salted breast milk is something! All mushrooms taste better! What fun to hunt for mushrooms, let's go to the forest as soon as possible! *** Mushroom pickers
ate and ate along the road.
There is a rut in the clay like a wedge. My brother and I are barely hobbling along the road. I would like to rest a little, Brother is also ready to sit down. I have a basket of berries, He has a bucket of mushrooms. I’ll proudly look into the basket, Brother is terribly happy with mushrooms. We found one clearing and collected everything. We are city guys, and this time we don’t know where our mushrooms are, what kind of berries we have. Mom cried, laughed and told us: “friends, you are heroes.” It's a pity, but you can't eat this. Riddles about Mushrooms:
*** I was born on a rainy day Under a young aspen, Round, smooth, beautiful, With a thick and straight leg. (Mushroom) *** While the children are each wearing a beret. When they grew up, they put on their hats. (Mushrooms) *** He drilled the ground, left the root, came into the world himself, covered himself with a cap. (Mushroom) *** Along the forest paths There are many white legs in multi-colored hats, noticeable from afar. Pack, don't hesitate! This is... (Russula) *** Near the forest on the edge, Decorating the dark forest, It grew motley, like Parsley, Poisonous... (Amanita) *** This mushroom lives under the spruce, Under its huge shadow. A wise bearded old man, a resident of the forest - ... (Boletus) *** I am growing in a red cap Among the aspen roots, You will recognize me a mile away, My name is ... (Boletus) *** A chocolate-brown mushroom, A leaf stuck to the slippery cap. The openwork collar is thin - This is the name of the mushroom... (Oil can) *** There are no mushrooms more friendly than these, - Adults and children know, - They grow on stumps in the forest, Like freckles on the nose. (Honey mushrooms) *** Look, guys: There are chanterelles here, there are honey mushrooms, Well, and these, in the clearing, are Poisonous?.. (Toadstools) *** Red-haired girlfriends are growing at the edge of the forest, Their name is...
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lessons for preschoolers, mushrooms
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Thematic lesson: Mushrooms
After all our games with mushrooms, you probably already realized that I also couldn’t ignore thematic tasks about mushrooms and prepared them for you. I would also like to draw your attention to something new in the materials posted on all topics “Thematic Lessons”. Now I won’t post how Dima and I play with this or that set - this saves my time and effort, and our classes won’t look like a freeze frame. (This does not apply to our practice Mondays, because it is easier to show than to tell). And in the free time, I can prepare even more interesting materials for you!
And one more joy for mothers - materials will now be in such abundance that you can easily divide them into different ages from 1.5 to 6 years , i.e. you will receive a set of games on this topic not for one year, but immediately for several years!
Many types of tasks are already familiar to you and do not need a detailed description. Such repetition is useful for children, as they unobtrusively practice certain concepts in different forms. And it will be easier for you to understand what needs to be done with this or that benefit. On the blog pages I will list what is included in the kit on this topic, with a short description of why certain tasks are needed and post a link to them. There will also be a detailed description with pictures in the downloadable materials. If you have any questions, I am always ready to answer them.
Lay out a letter and a mushroom - a unique introduction to letters for kids. This is the letter G - the word Mushroom begins with this letter. You can lay it out with buttons or pebbles (sold in pet stores for aquariums).
Lay out the word mushrooms - learning to write - the child lays out a word from individual letters according to the pattern. A similar, but more complicated task is to lay out the names of mushrooms - learning to write - the child lays out words from individual letters according to the pattern.
Complete the drawing - two sheets of tasks - in one to complete the stems of the mushrooms, in the other the caps. Preparing your hand for writing.
Labyrinth - who grows where - Give the children labyrinths and markers - we conduct them and find out under which tree, which mushroom grows. Maze - walk through porcini mushrooms - The child uses a felt-tip pen to trace the path, walking only through porcini mushrooms. Preparing your hand for writing, logic and familiarity with specific mushrooms.
Memory "mushrooms" - All children can play. Print the cards in duplicate. Lay them out in front of the children, ask them to memorize them, then turn all the cards face down. Children must look for identical pairs.
Find the extra – for kids, cut the tasks into separate strips and ask them to find what’s extra in each. Explain your choice if possible. For older children, you can simply offer the whole sheet of paper; their eyes will not run away from the options.
Find the same one - game with clothespins. Offer to find among the three small mushrooms on the cards the same as the big one. And mark the correct answer with a clothespin. Finger motor skills training and development of logical thinking.
Circle the model - development of logic and attentiveness. Use a pencil to trace the mushrooms according to the pattern on the page. Give everyone their own copy.
Fold the halves - cut into separate cards and cut along a wavy line. Invite the children to find halves of mushrooms. This is an entry-level puzzle exercise. Put the puzzles together - cut them into individual cards and cut along wavy lines. Invite the children to put together pictures of mushrooms. (If you have already printed out “fold the halves”, then in a year you can simply cut the same pictures).
Finger gymnastics - Perform the indicated movements of the handles according to the diagram while reading the poem. There are two types of them for babies and older children - different options.
Swipe – kids can be asked to simply run their finger from the mushrooms to the basket. For children who can hold a felt-tip pen in their hands, draw with a felt-tip pen. Wires – connect the mushrooms to the basket. Use felt-tip pens or soft pencils. Watch how children hold a pencil. Preparing your hand for writing.
Arrange according to size and cut out mushrooms. Invite children to lay out from large to small OR from small to large. Sort mushrooms by size - Now let's find large, medium and small mushrooms. Distribute tables and cut cards “Sort by size”.
Color the russulas – Russulas are mushrooms that come in different colors. Color them in the indicated colors. We repeat colors, learn to paint carefully, and prepare our hands for writing.
Add numbers from 1 to 5 from strips - introduction to mathematics - adding a picture - the child remembers the order of the numbers. Fold the stripes from 1 to 10 and from 11 to 20 - a mathematical task - by adding the picture - the child remembers the order of the numbers. Use parts 11 to 20 if children are well developed.
Connect in order - we repeat the ordinal count - connect the mushrooms from 1 to 10 with a pencil. If the children are well prepared, then you can do the second sheet from 11 to 20. Connect - connect the mushroom and its shadow - training your hand for writing and developing logic.
Count and color - the picture shows silhouettes of mushrooms, you need to count how many there are and color the same number of circles. Attention task. Count and connect - count the dots on the fly agaric and connect with the correct number indicating this quantity. Mathematical task and hand preparation for writing.
“Count” cards - Distribute cards to children and ask them to count how many mushrooms are on the cards - mark the correct answers with a clothespin. Select cards in accordance with the preparation of children - to what number they can count. Counting and finger work.
The structure of a mushroom is a task for reading children. A card with a mushroom and separately small cards with the names of its parts. Children must put names on those parts of the mushroom that the arrow shows. You can first discuss what, where and how it is called, and then give the material as independent work to consolidate - lay out the names. There are clue letters in the picture.
Game “Mushrooms” - We listen to poems, answer questions and show how to collect mushrooms.
— Did you walk along the path? — We walked along — and did you find mushrooms? - Found. - One - honey fungus. Two - oil can. Three - wave At the edge. And four is a mushroom. Don't forget to take it. There is russula and saffron milk cap. How much will? - Five and six. _ Here we come to the clearing. The fly agaric and toadstool are here. Maybe we can take them too and put them in a basket?
Creative task - draw white dots on a fly agaric. It is more convenient for kids to draw with a finger or a cotton swab. You can also use the Creative task “Honey Mushrooms” - from the “Autumn Masterpieces” set.
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