Speech card for examination of children 4 - 7 years old; material on speech therapy (middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic

Speech card for examining the speech of preschool children.

Individual map of speech development.

Last name, first name, age of the child_________________________________

Date of enrollment at the speech therapy center
Date of graduation from the speech therapy center ___________________________________

Condition of hearing
Condition of the articulatory apparatus:

a) lips
(normal, thick, thin, sedentary, mobile, postoperative scars)
b) teeth
(normal, large, small, rare, frequent, presence of extra teeth,
dentition disorders, dentures)

bite (normal, progenia, prognathia, open: anterior, lateral; deep decussation)
d) tongue
(normal, massive, small, tip deviation to the left/right, long/short, wide/narrow, flaccid, tense, paresis)
e) sublingual ligament
(normal, massive, shortened, fused, operated)
f) hard palate
(normal, high, narrow, shortened, cleft, submucous cleft)
g) soft palate
(normal, shortened, sagging: right, left; clefts)
1. Sound pronunciation.

WITH With' 3 z' C Sh AND SCH H L l' R R' j T T' D d'
in words
in speech
TO To' G G' IN V' F f' M m' N n' X X' B b' P P'
in words
in speech

2. Syllable structure of the word

N – norm; in other cases, the child’s speech is recorded)

4 years button 5 years medicine
bridge birdhouse
cabbage pan
friendship bike
whistle draft
6 years serum 6 years hairdresser
dried fruits overalls
curdled milk tools

4 years

The guys made a snowman. ______________________________________________________________

Veronica eats tomatoes. ______________________________________________________________

A motorcyclist rides a motorcycle. _________________________________________________

5 years

A plumber fixes a water pipe. ___________________________________________________

Vsevolod is riding a bicycle. ______________________________________________________________

Hair being cut in a barbershop. _____________________________________________

6 years

The traffic controller is standing at the intersection. ________________________________________________

The hairdresser has a comb and scissors. _________________________________________________

The guide conducts the excursion. ___________________________________________________

3. Phonemic processes.

4 years

Is there an R sound in the word? Beans, peas, cabbage, tomato. ________________________________________

5 years

Name the first sound in the word: Anya, Olya, ear, Ira. ______________________________________________

6 years

Name all the sounds in the word MAC. _____________ How many sounds are in the word SOUP? _______________ Make a word from the sounds: D, O, M. ____________________

Show in the pictures :
crayfish-varnish, bear-bowl, Marina-raspberry, goat-braid, chew-yawn, chick-bangs, evening-wind, smears-waves.
4. The grammatical structure of speech.


A. Converting singular to plural

4 years 5 years 6 years
Table - tablesHome - homeLamp - lamps
A cap - Mole - Deer -
Ring - Window - Stump -
Bug - Leaf - Sparrow -
Woodpecker - Wheel -

B. Agreement with numerals (pictures)

4 years
1 house 2 ____________________ 5 _____________________
1 duck 2 ____________________ 5 _____________________
5 years
1 horse 2 ____________________ 5 _____________________
1 goat 2 ____________________ 5 _____________________
6 years
1 snake 2 ____________________ 5 _____________________
1 sparrow 2 ____________________ 5 _____________________

B. Coordination of case endings

4 years 5 years 6 years
fox hedgehog lynx fox hedgehog lynx fox hedgehog lynx
AND.Do you have (who?)
R.They don't have (who?)
D.I give food (to whom?)
IN.Do you love (who?)
T.Satisfied (with whom?)
P.Story (about whom?)


A. Formation of diminutive forms (pictures)

4 years 5 years 6 years
Table - table Wardrobe – locker Chair - high chair
House - Ring - Mug -
Doll - Carpet - Dress -
Book - Blanket - Nest -
Ball - Boot - Tree -

B. Agreement with prepositions (pictures)

4 years

(in, on, over, under)

5 years

(for, with, to, from)

6 years

(before, about, because of, from under)

B. Formation of adjectives (from 6 years old) (pictures)

Made of glass - glassThe wolf's tail is wolfish
From the snow - Wolf ear -
From paper - Wolf paw -
From wood -

D. Prefixal word formation (from 6 years old) (pictures)

In-, you-, for-, re-, sub-, oto (SHEL) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Vocabulary

A. Level of classifications

Say it in one word:

4 years 5 years 6 years
Dove, crow, sparrow - Sweater, skirt, trousers - Boots, shoes, sneakers -
Pear, apple, lemon - Milk, bread, sausage -


4 years 5 years 6 years
Name the animals: Name the birds: Name the fruit:
Name the toys: Name the dishes: Name the furniture:

B. Nominative dictionary
(Name the cubs)

4 years 5 years 6 years
At the cat's At the goat At the chicken's
At the duck's At the wolf's At the cow's
At the fox's In a dog At the pig's
At the sheep
At the horse

B. Antonyms
(Say it the other way around)

4 years 5 years 6 years
Good - Wide - Funny -
Big - Light - Kindness -
Thin - Get up - Greet -
Far - Clean -
High - Dry -
Smart - Lose -

G. Verb dictionary
(Who does what?)

4 years 5 years 6 years
Bird Snake Doctor
Fish Hare Teacher
Horse Cook

6. Examination of speech understanding (pictures)

Where does the hare follow the cat, and where does the cat follow the hare? Show me your mother's daughter; daughter's mother.
4 years 5 years 6 years 4 years 5 years 6 years
Zhenya lost the teddy bear that she took from Valya. Whose was the bear? The horse overtook the donkey. Who is ahead, who is behind?
4 years 5 years 6 years 4 years 5 years 6 years

7. Coherent speech
4 years:
making sentences based on an object picture.

5 years:
compiling a story based on a plot picture.

6 years:
compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures.

What did the artist draw wrong?

4 years 5 years 6 years

Speech therapy conclusion

/Underline whatever applicable/

Sound pronunciation

(polymorphic/monomorphic defect; characteristics by groups of sounds: sigmatism of whistling, hissing, lambdacism, rotacism or other disorders; mixing or replacement of sounds, etc.).

Syllable structure

(violated in words, in sentences, in unfamiliar words).

Phonemic representations

(formed, not formed).


(lexical reserve is not formed, below the age norm, according to age).

Grammatical structure

(errors in inflection, word formation).

Connected speech

(absent, at the initial level, with the help of an adult, with guiding questions, formed).

First year


Date: _________________________ Speech therapist: _______________________/______________________

Second year


Date: _________________________ Speech therapist: ______________________/______________________

  1. Manifestation of stuttering: ______________________________________________________________

A) the alleged cause, severity of stuttering, situations aggravating its manifestation (answers at the board) ___________________________________________________________________

B) development of linguistic means ________________________________________________

C) features of general and speech behavior (organization, sociability, isolation, impulsiveness) ___________________________________________________________________

d) adaptation to communication conditions______________________________________________________________

  1. Brief description of the child according to the psychologist and teacher (organization, independence, stability of attention, efficiency, observation, attitude towards the existing speech disorder)______________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ________________

  1. Conclusion of the speech therapist teacher______________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ________________

  1. Results of speech correction (marked on the card at the time the student is expelled from the speech therapy center)____________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ________________

Teacher speech therapist:


Speech card for speech center of preschool educational institution

Date of admission to LP____________________


Speech card

F.I. child______________________________________________________________________________

Date of birth, age______________________________________________________________

FULL NAME. parents_______________________________________________________________________________


History (questionnaire application for parents)

Examination of speech functions:

Articulatory apparatus: structure art. apparatus_______________________________________________

Range of motion_______________________ Switchability of movements______________________

Tone_________________________________ Salivation_________________________________

Tongue mobility_______________________________________________________________________________

General sound of speech: ___________________________________________________________________


Manifestation of stuttering_________________________________________________________________________

Sound pronunciation: ___________________________________________________________________


sonors______________________________other sounds______________________________

Phonemic hearing: _________________________________________________________________


Language analysis and synthesis: ________________________________________________________________

Syllable structure of the word: ______________________________________________________________


Dictionary: ______________________________________________________________________________


Grammatical structure: _________________________________________________________________

Word formation________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Word change________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Connected speech: __________________________________________________________________________


Speech therapist’s conclusion: ___________________________________________________________________



Long-term work plan

For 201 - 201

Development and improvement of fine motor skills and non-speech mental processes.

Development and improvement of articulatory motor skills:

A complex of articulatory gymnastics for (check what applies):

Whistling sounds

Hissing sounds

Sonorous sounds

Other sounds

Development of the speech apparatus (improvement of the static and dynamic organization of movements of the articulatory, respiratory and vocal sections of the speech apparatus, coordination of their work)

Correction of sound pronunciation:

Staging sounds

Automation of delivered sounds in syllables, words, sentences and coherent speech.

Introduction of sounds into speech

Sound differentiation

Development of phonemic processes:

Perception and reproduction of sound and syllabic series, words with oppositional sounds.

Learning to distinguish, isolate sounds, syllables in speech; determining the place, number and sequence of sounds and syllables in a word

Development of coherent speech

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