GCD as the main means of speech development for preschool children in preschool educational institutions. Justification of their necessity. Specifics of teaching children their native speech.



Classes on speech development and literacy training differ from others in that the main activity in them is speech. Speech activity is associated with mental activity, with mental activity. Children listen, think, answer questions, ask them themselves, compare, draw conclusions and generalizations. The child expresses his thoughts in words. Difficulty of classes

lies in the fact that children simultaneously engage in different types of mental and speech activity: speech perception and independent speech operation. They think about the answer, select from their vocabulary the right word that is most suitable in a given situation, form it grammatically, and use it in a sentence and coherent statement.

The uniqueness of many speech development activities

is the internal activity of children: one child tells, the others listen, outwardly they are passive, internally active (they follow the sequence of the story, empathize with the hero, are ready to complement, ask, etc.). Such activity is difficult for preschool children, since it requires voluntary attention and inhibition of the desire to speak out.

Lesson effectiveness

Speech development is determined by how fully all the program tasks set by the teacher are implemented and ensures that children acquire knowledge and develop speech skills and abilities.


depending on the leading task:

· classes on vocabulary formation (for example, inspection of the premises, familiarization with the properties and qualities of objects);

· classes on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech (for example, the didactic game “Guess what is missing” - the formation of plural nouns of the gender case);

· classes on developing the sound culture of speech (teaching correct sound pronunciation);

· classes on teaching coherent speech (conversations, all types of storytelling),

· classes on developing the ability to analyze speech (preparation for learning to read and write),

· classes on familiarization with fiction.

Depending on the use of visual material:

· classes in which objects of real life are used, observations of phenomena of reality (examination of objects, observations of animals and plants, excursions);

· classes using visual aids: with toys (looking at, talking about toys), pictures (conversations, storytelling, didactic games);

· activities of a verbal nature, without relying on clarity (general conversations, artistic reading and storytelling, retelling, word games).

Depending on the stage of training, i.e. depending on whether a speech skill (skill) is being formed for the first time or is being consolidated and automated :

Close to this is the classification for didactic purposes proposed by A. M. Borodich:

· classes on communicating new material;

· classes to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities;

· classes on generalization and systematization of knowledge;

· final, or accounting and verification, classes;

· combined classes (mixed, combined).

Lessons of a complex nature . An integrated approach to solving speech problems, an organic combination of different tasks for the development of speech and thinking in one lesson are an important factor in increasing the effectiveness of learning. Only the interconnection and interaction of different tasks lead to correct speech education, to the child’s awareness of certain aspects of language.

Such types of work are integrated that are ultimately aimed at developing coherent monologue speech. Combining tasks in a complex lesson can be done in different ways:

ü coherent speech, vocabulary work, sound culture of speech;

ü coherent speech, vocabulary work, grammatical structure of speech;

ü coherent speech, sound culture of speech, grammatically correct speech.

Lessons dedicated to solving one problem can also be built comprehensively, on the same content, but using different teaching methods.

For example, a lesson on teaching the correct pronunciation of the sound w may include: a) showing and explaining articulation, b) an exercise in pronunciation of an isolated sound, c) an exercise in coherent speech - retelling a text with a frequently occurring sound w, d) repeating a nursery rhyme - a practice exercise diction.

Integrative classes, built on the principle of combining several types of children's activities and different means of speech development, received a positive assessment in practice. As a rule, they use different types of art, the child’s independent speech activity, and integrate them according to a thematic principle. For example: 1) reading a story about birds, 2) group drawing of birds and 3) telling children stories based on the drawings.

Based on the number of participants, classes can be distinguished:


with the whole group (subgroup),


The smaller the children, the more space should be given to individual and subgroup classes.

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“Features of children’s speech development as an educational area, taking into account the individual characteristics of children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.”

I.N. Shevchenko, teacher of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Combined kindergarten No. 18, Razumnoe village, Belgorod district, Belgorod region”

One of the leading tasks that preschool educational institutions solve is the development of children's speech. Speech, as the leading means of communication, accompanies all types of child activity. From the quality of speech, the ability to use it in a game, during joint activities between a teacher and a child, when planning and discussing a drawing, in observing a walk, when discussing a performance, etc. depends on the success of a child’s activities, his acceptance by peers, his authority and status in the children’s community. According to the Federal State Educational Standards, the content of the educational field “Speech Development” is aimed at achieving the goals of developing oral speech and verbal communication skills with others based on proficiency in the literary language of one’s people through solving the following tasks: • Mastering speech as a means of communication and culture • Enriching the active vocabulary • Development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech • Development of speech creativity • Development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing • Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature • Formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning literacy The process of forming children's speech should be built taking into account not only general didactic, but also methodological principles of teaching. Methodological principles are understood as general starting points, guided by which the teacher chooses teaching tools. These are principles of learning derived from the patterns of children’s acquisition of language and speech. They reflect the specifics of teaching native speech, complement the system of general didactic principles and interact with such of them as accessibility, clarity, systematicity, consistency, awareness and activity, individualization of learning, etc. Methodological principles also act in conjunction with each other. In relation to preschoolers, based on an analysis of research on the problems of speech development of children and the experience of kindergartens, we will highlight the following methodological principles of speech development and teaching their native language. • The principle of the relationship between sensory, mental and speech development of children. It is based on the understanding of speech as a verbal and mental activity, the formation and development of which is closely related to knowledge of the surrounding world. Speech is based on sensory representations, which form the basis of thinking, and develops in unity with thinking. Therefore, work on speech development cannot be separated from work aimed at developing sensory and mental processes. • The principle of a communicative-activity approach to speech development. This principle is based on the understanding of speech as an activity involving the use of language for communication. It follows from the goal of developing the speech of children in kindergarten - the development of speech as a means of communication and cognition - and indicates the practical orientation of the process of teaching their native language. This principle is one of the main ones, since it determines the strategy of all work on speech development. Its implementation involves the development of speech in children as a means of communication both in the process of communication (communication) and in various types of activities. • The principle of development of linguistic flair (“sense of language”). Linguistic flair is an unconscious mastery of the laws of language. In the process of repeated perception of speech and the use of similar forms in his own statements, the child forms analogies at a subconscious level, and then he learns patterns. • The principle of forming elementary awareness of language phenomena. This principle is based on the fact that the basis of speech acquisition is not only imitation, imitation of adults, but also an unconscious generalization of language phenomena. A kind of internal system of rules of speech behavior is formed, which allows the child not only to repeat, but also to create new statements. Since the task of learning is the formation of communication skills, and any communication presupposes the ability to create new statements, then the basis of language learning should be the formation of linguistic generalizations and creative speech ability. Leontyev identifies three methods of awareness, which are often mixed: free speech, isolation, and actual awareness. In preschool age, voluntary speech is first formed, and then its components are isolated. Awareness is an indicator of the degree of development of speech skills. • The principle of interconnection of work on various aspects of speech, the development of speech as an integral entity. The implementation of this principle consists in constructing work in such a way that all levels of the language are mastered in their close interrelation. • The principle of enriching the motivation of speech activity. The quality of speech and, ultimately, the measure of learning success depend on the motive, as the most important component in the structure of speech activity. Therefore, enriching the motives of children’s speech activity in the learning process is of great importance. In everyday communication, motives are determined by the child’s natural needs for impressions, active activity, recognition and support. In the process of organized educational activities, the naturalness of communication often disappears, the natural communicativeness of speech is removed: the teacher invites the child to answer a question, retell a fairy tale, or repeat something. • The principle of ensuring active speech practice. This principle finds its expression in the fact that language is acquired in the process of its use and speech practice. Speech activity is one of the main conditions for the timely speech development of a child. Speech activity is not only speaking, but also listening and perceiving speech. Therefore, it is important to accustom children to actively perceive and understand the teacher’s speech. The main directions of work on the development of children’s speech in preschool educational institutions: - Development of vocabulary (mastering the meanings of words and their appropriate use in accordance with the context of the statement, the situation in which communication occurs) - Nurturing sound culture ( development of perception of the sounds of native speech and pronunciation), love and interest in the artistic word - Development of coherent speech (dialogical (conversational) speech, monologue (storytelling). - Formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech (difference between sound and word, finding the place of sound in a word ) - Formation of grammatical structure (morphology, syntax, word formation) In the practice of work of preschool teachers on speech development, the following methods are used: Visual: - Direct observation and its varieties (observation in nature, excursions); - Indirect observation (visualization: looking at toys and paintings, storytelling based on toys and paintings). Verbal: -Reading and telling works of fiction; -Learning by heart; -Retelling; -Summarizing conversation; -Telling without relying on visual material. Practical: -Didactic games; - Dramatization games; -Stagings; -Didactic exercises; -Plastic studies; -Round dance games. A variety of means are used to develop speech: • communication between adults and children; • cultural language environment, teacher’s speech; • teaching native speech and language in the classroom; • fiction; • various types of art (fine, music, theater). Let's briefly consider the role of each tool. The most important means of speech development is communication. In Russian psychology, communication is considered as a side of some other activity and as an independent communicative activity. The works of domestic psychologists convincingly show the role of communication with adults in the general mental development and development of the child’s verbal function. Speech, being a means of communication, appears at a certain stage in the development of communication. The formation of speech activity is a complex process of interaction between a child and people around him, carried out using material and linguistic means. Speech does not arise from the very nature of the child, but is formed in the process of his existence in the social environment. Its emergence and development are caused by the needs of communication, the needs of the child’s life. Contradictions that arise in communication lead to the emergence and development of the child’s linguistic ability, to his mastery of ever new means of communication and forms of speech. This happens thanks to the cooperation of the child with the adult, which is built taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of the baby. Analysis of children's behavior shows that the presence of an adult stimulates the use of speech; they begin to speak only in a communication situation and only at the request of an adult. Therefore, it is recommended to talk with children as much and as often as possible. Speech communication in preschool age is carried out in different types of activities: in play, work, household, educational activities and acts as one of the sides of each type. Therefore, it is very important to be able to use any activity to develop speech. First of all, speech development occurs in the context of leading activity. In relation to young children, the leading activity is objective activity. Consequently, the focus of teachers should be on organizing communication with children during activities with objects. In preschool age, play is of great importance in the speech development of children. Its character determines speech functions, content and means of communication. All types of play activities are used for speech development. In a creative role-playing game, communicative in nature, differentiation occurs between the functions and forms of speech. Dialogue speech is improved in it, and the need for coherent monologue speech arises. Role-playing contributes to the formation and development of the regulating and planning functions of speech. Outdoor games influence the enrichment of vocabulary and the development of sound culture. Dramatization games contribute to the development of speech activity, taste and interest in artistic expression, expressiveness of speech, artistic speech activity. Didactic and printed board games are used to solve all speech development problems. They consolidate and clarify vocabulary, the skills of quickly choosing the most suitable word, changing and forming words, practice composing coherent statements, and develop explanatory speech. Communication in everyday life helps children learn the everyday vocabulary necessary for their life, develops dialogical speech, and fosters a culture of speech behavior. Communication in the process of labor (everyday, in nature, manual) helps to enrich the content of children's ideas and speech, replenishes the dictionary with the names of tools and objects of labor, labor actions, qualities, and results of labor. Communication with peers has a great influence on children’s speech, especially from 4–5 years of age. When communicating with peers, children more actively use speech skills. The greater variety of communicative tasks that arise in children’s business contacts creates the need for more diverse speech means. Communication between children of different ages is useful. Association with older children puts children in favorable conditions for the perception of speech and its activation: they actively imitate actions and speech, learn new words, master role-playing speech in games, the simplest types of stories based on pictures, and about toys. Thus, communication is the leading means of speech development. Its content and forms determine the content and level of children's speech. The means of speech development in a broad sense is the cultural language environment. Imitating the speech of adults is one of the mechanisms for mastering the native language. Internal mechanisms of speech are formed in a child only under the influence of systematically organized speech of adults (N. I. Zhinkin). It should be borne in mind that by imitating those around them, children adopt not only all the subtleties of pronunciation, word usage, and phrase construction, but also those imperfections and errors that occur in their speech. Therefore, high demands are placed on the teacher’s speech: content and at the same time accuracy, logic; appropriate for the age of the children; lexical, phonetic, grammatical, orthoepic correctness; imagery; expressiveness, emotional richness, richness of intonation, leisurelyness, sufficient volume; knowledge and compliance with the rules of speech etiquette; correspondence between the teacher’s words and his deeds. One of the main means of speech development is training. This is a purposeful, systematic and planned process in which, under the guidance of a teacher, children master a certain range of speech skills and abilities. The role of education in a child’s mastery of his native language was emphasized by K. D. Ushinsky, E. I. Tikheeva, A. P. Usova, E. A. Flerina and others. E. I. Tikheyeva, the first of K. D. Ushinsky’s followers, used the term “teaching their native language” in relation to preschool children. She believed that “systematic teaching and methodical development of speech and language should form the basis of the entire system of education in kindergarten.” The most important form of organizing speech and language teaching in the methodology is considered to be special classes in which certain tasks of children’s speech development are set and purposefully solved. Without special training sessions, it is impossible to ensure the speech development of children at the proper level. In-class training allows you to complete the tasks of all sections of the program. There is not a single section of the program where there is no need to organize the entire group. The teacher purposefully selects the material that children have difficulty mastering and develops those skills and abilities that are difficult to develop in other types of activities. Classes help realize the possibilities of speech development in preschool childhood, the most favorable period for language acquisition. In the classroom, in addition to the teacher’s influence on the children’s speech, the children’s speech interacts with each other. Team training increases the overall level of their development. Integrative classes, built on the principle of combining several types of children's activities and different means of speech development, received a positive assessment in practice. As a rule, they use different types of art, the child’s independent speech activity, and integrate them according to a thematic principle. For example: 1) reading a story about birds, 2) group drawing of birds and 3) telling children stories based on the drawings. Speech development is also carried out in organized educational activities in other sections of the kindergarten program. This is explained by the very nature of speech activity. The native language acts as a means of teaching other educational areas. Fiction is the most important source and means of developing all aspects of children's speech and a unique means of education. It helps to feel the beauty of the native language and develops figurative speech. Fine arts, music, theater are also used for the benefit of children's speech development. The emotional impact of works of art stimulates language acquisition and creates a desire to share impressions. To assimilate different material, a combination of different means is required. For example, when mastering lexical material that is close to children and associated with everyday life, direct communication between children and adults in everyday activities comes to the fore. During this communication, adults guide the process of children's vocabulary acquisition. The skills of correct use of words are refined and consolidated in a few classes that simultaneously perform the functions of verification and control. When mastering material that is more distant from children or more complex, the leading activity is educational activity in the classroom, appropriately combined with other types of activity. In the practice of work of teachers of preschool educational institutions, the following forms of work are used by type of educational activity. - routine moments - joint activities of the teacher with children - independent activities of children - joint activities with the family. The practical implementation of this system of work on speech development contributes to the formation of speech activity, the foundations of the child’s communicative competence.

Literature: 1. Arushanova A.G. Speech and verbal communication of children: A book for kindergarten teachers. - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2000. - 272 p. 2. Approximate program from birth to school according to the Federal State Educational Standard Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2014 - P. 130 - 132. 3. Speech development in preschool children / Ed. F. Sokhina. - M.: Education, 2001. 4. Say differently: Speech games, exercises, situations, scenarios / Ed. O.S. Ushakova. - Samara, 2001. - 10 p.

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Integrated classes

Integrated forms of classes for consolidating acquired knowledge, skills and speech habits with children of the third year of life can be carried out 1-2 times a quarter. In these classes, the teacher uses material from different sections of the program, combining several areas of children's activities (for example, speech and visual arts, speech and cognitive). The priority in such classes is the communicative activity of children, the unifying point is the theme.

In early age groups of 2-3 years old, it is advisable to conduct educational and game integrated classes, which provide for the presence of a game plot and a single storyline.

Speech as the basis of perfection: 10 questions for a speech therapist-defectologist

1. What signs in a child’s speech should signal parents about a problem and that it’s time to see a specialist? At what age should this be done?

Such signs of speech impairment in a child exist. Another question: does the parent himself note them? Many simply do not hear impaired sound pronunciation or do not know that at a certain age a child must respond to addressed speech or be able to speak in simple sentences. Difficulties with speech may arise at an early age, but they are very difficult for a non-specialist to identify, so it will be useful to undergo diagnostic testing at an early age.

For example, let’s take the simplest sign: impaired sound pronunciation. If a child is unable to pronounce a sound before a certain age, the sound itself will not appear. The fact is that if the pronunciation is incorrect, the organs of articulation for one reason or another do not move as they should. The tongue does not reach up or does not fall behind the teeth. The reasons for distorted pronunciation may be different. The specialist will collect all the necessary information and use its findings to build an individual plan for working with the client. It is important to note that at the age of 6 all sounds should already be formed, and the child should pronounce them clearly.

At the age of 5.5 years
, parents can safely go to a specialist for sound production if they have difficulties in pronunciation. But remember about the norm for the appearance of sounds: at 4 years old there is no need to go to a specialist and put the sound [r], since it is still physiologically difficult for a child to pronounce it.

2. All children develop differently. Some recite poetry by the age of two, while others can barely connect words into discordant phrases by the age of three. What should a child be able to do at one, two, three and five years old?

This is a very broad question, but since we are talking about sound pronunciation, which a parent can track, we will give an example of the norm for the appearance of sounds for each age and supplement it with norms for the volume of vocabulary.

1-2 years:

sounds [a, o, e, p, m, b], while children replace a number of hard consonants with soft “dyai” instead of “give”. By the age of one year, the vocabulary is 10-15 babbling words.

2-3 years:

sounds [i, s, u, f, v, t, d, n, k, g, x, th] and their soft pairs. Physiologically, it is still difficult for babies to pronounce whistling, hissing sounds and [l, r]. By age 2, the vocabulary has approximately 300 words, phrases become longer and more complex, and word pronunciation improves; by 3 years – 1000-1100 words.

3-4 years:

sounds [s, z, ts], while the sounds [ch, ts] can still be replaced by [t, s, sch], some children experience a general softening of speech. A child’s vocabulary by the age of 4 is 1600 words.

4-5 years:

sounds [sh, zh, ch, sch], some children already pronounce the sounds [ry, l] correctly.

5-5.5 years:

sounds [l, r]. Dictionary – 2200 words.

By the age of five, speech becomes a full-fledged means of communication for a child.

The phrase becomes longer and more complex. Children actively use the stock of words they have, learned in everyday life, learn to correctly name surrounding objects, their qualities, natural phenomena, use words denoting temporal and spatial concepts, easily retell fairy tales, and generalizing words appear.

The first year of a child’s life is very important. It is so intense that the emergence of new skills is determined by five periods. It is worth paying attention to the volume and sonority of the scream. The child should scream as expected. If the cry is muffled, quiet, in small quantities, then you should consult a specialist. For full speech development, humming (uuuuu, aaaa), babbling and its intonation coloring (ba-ba-boo, ma-na, etc.) are important. Pay attention to whether the baby understands your spoken speech and whether he reacts to it. If you see difficulties, contact early development specialists.

3. What developmental defects can result from incorrect speech?

Speech is a complex mental function. This is a way of communicating with others and one of the ways to understand the world. If a child has autism, mental retardation, or some form of mental retardation, speech development or delay will be affected. There will be difficulties in understanding spoken speech, late emergence of words, a slow pace of vocabulary accumulation, difficulties in constructing a coherent statement, and much more. But, of course, the severity of the manifestation may vary, and in each case everything is individual. Children also have a congenital defect in the structure of the articulatory apparatus, for example, a cleft palate. This will also lead to speech difficulties.

4. If there are people in the family with speech impairments, can this affect the child’s speech in the future? How and at what age is it formed?

A child’s speech is formed from the first days of life. Physiological sounds (screaming, sucking, coughing, sneezing) are already manifestations of speech. Speech develops more consciously from 1-3 months - the appearance of intonations, humming, and laughter. A child masters speech, first of all, by imitation. And if an adult often lisps and softens consonants, this can be reflected in the child’s speech. There are often cases when one of the parents does not utter a certain sound - the child also does not utter it. This does not happen with stuttering, because the nature of stuttering is neurological. If the child does not have neurological disorders, then he will not stutter. In extreme cases, he will begin to imitate, but this will not be a true stutter.

5. If a child is studying with a speech therapist, should parents do additional work with the child themselves?

The answer to this question is only unequivocal - yes! In any case, parents should do extra work with their child at home. The speech therapist must give recommendations for homework: be it massage, articulation gymnastics, memorizing rhymes, or exercises to develop the lexical or grammatical aspect of speech. The range of exercises and tasks is very wide. Firstly, the parent is aware of what the specialist is working on and what they should pay attention to in everyday life in order to support the child in acquiring new competencies. Secondly, the child will achieve his goal much faster if he trains not only in classes with a speech therapist, but also in ordinary everyday situations (in the kitchen, on the playground, on the way to the garden or on a visit). Thirdly, you save time and money.

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6. Which sounds are most difficult for a baby to produce? How much time does it take to practice for a child to learn how to pronounce, say, 2-3 sounds correctly?

Each child has individual difficulties. Some pronounce the sound [r] well, but the sound [s] just doesn’t work out, while for others it’s the other way around. No speech therapist will tell you how long it takes to turn on the sound. Speech therapy production of sounds is very individual for everyone. For one child, you can introduce a sound in 2 lessons, then automate it in 2 weeks, and for another - in 2-3 months, and it is not a fact that the sound is automated in their own speech. There are a lot of factors that influence the time of setting and automation: the reasons for the violation, the physiological state of the child (how quickly he gets tired), parental support and implementation of the speech therapist’s recommendations.

We're going, we're riding a horse BUT! BUT! BUT!

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A HIPPOPOTAMUS is walking!
THERE! THERE! Your browser does not support the audio element.
SA-SA-SA is a sly fox!
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CHA-CHA-CHA stove is very hot!
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EJ, where do you live?
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LO-LO-LO it's warm outside!
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7. What is a “short bridle”? Does it actually interfere with speech development? Is surgery always necessary?

If you lift the tongue up by your teeth, you will see a thin “thread” underneath it. This is the bridle. If the child's frenulum is short, it will not allow the tongue to reach up behind the teeth. This may cause problems with some sounds. With the help of special exercises it can be stretched. If, after practice, you cannot stretch it, you can trim it. But I recommend always exercising first before going to the doctor. Still, this is stressful for the child.

8. Many parents do not take their child’s problems with incorrect speech seriously, hoping that it will “go away on its own.” Can a late visit to a speech therapist have consequences?

The sooner parents seek help, the easier it is to overcome speech difficulties. If pronunciation problems persist until school age, writing and reading difficulties may arise. The child may skip letters or replace them with others. If the problem is in the other side of speech: the child incorrectly coordinates words (for example, “mom has come”), cannot construct a correct complete phrase, retell the text, etc. - this can also interfere with full-fledged school education. I recommend not to overload your child with classes with a speech therapist, but to work with him in preschool age. Contacting a specialist in a timely manner will help you avoid more serious mistakes in the future.

9. In the 21st century, people are used to learning, communicating, and working remotely, without personal presence. This practice also exists among some speech therapists. Is this method possible?

In my opinion, this method is possible, but in the obligatory presence of the mother in class. I myself practice classes on Skype, give tasks, show how to complete them. And at the same time I advise the parent on what to pay attention to and how to correct it if the child does something wrong. Of course, this method is a little depersonalizing. The child does not fully feel the emotional support of the speech therapist than he would have in person. But I’ll make a reservation that everything is individual. It is very important to understand that this method is suitable for some, but for others only personal presence in classes is indicated.

10. Is it always worth eliminating speech defects in children? What methods does the specialist use?

Does a parent always know who his child will become? What if his life path leads him to acting, or to television, or to lecture? I know that in the acting community there are a lot of young people and girls who simply need to get rid of incorrect sound pronunciation. And it is possible to do this as an adult, but it is much more difficult, and it is more difficult to find a speech therapist who works with adults. Usually this is done by stage speech teachers who have simply mastered the methods of producing sounds, but will not always be able to figure out the cause of the defect. In this case, the methods must be different.

A speech therapist works not only with impaired sound pronunciation, he develops understanding of addressed speech, helps to correctly construct a phrase, coordinate words, develops word formation skills, helps to understand what is read and answer questions about the text, teaches retelling texts, expands vocabulary and knowledge about the world around him, helps overcome difficulties in writing and reading. This is not the entire list of what a speech therapist works on! Each job has its own methods of overcoming difficulties.

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