Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson Topic: “Automation of sound [Z] in syllables, words"
Summary of individual speech therapy sessions
Topic: “Automation of sound [Z] in syllables, words"
Consolidating the correct pronunciation of the sound [З] in syllables and words.
1. Educational:
• Automate the “z” sound in syllables and words.
• Practice making sentences based on reference pictures.
2. Corrective - developmental:
• Develop phonemic processes, fine and articulatory motor skills, attention.
• Form correct speech breathing.
• Continue to form the syllable structure of the word.
3. Educational:
• Cultivate a positive attitude towards the lesson, independence, control over one’s own speech.
I. Organizational moment.
Speech therapist. Hello, let's shake hands and smile at each other.
Speech therapist. Sit comfortably in front of the mirror, she came to visit us today
II. Articulation gymnastics
Speech therapist. Zvenelochka is very cheerful and sociable, she has many friends. She is friends with Cheerful Tongue, fingers. Let's show her what exercises your tongue can do.
Exercise “Smile” - teeth closed, not visible, lips in a smile.
Exercise “Fence” - smile, show your teeth.
Exercise “Punish a naughty tongue” - place a wide tongue on the lower lip and, spanking it with your lips, pronounce “five-five-five.”
Exercise “Swing” - stick out your narrow tongue, pull it alternately, then to the nose, then to the chin.
Exercise “Gorka” - open your mouth, hide the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth, and lift the back of your tongue up. Show me a steep hill.
Exercise "Breeze"
Speech therapist. Well done! Your tongue has become obedient and mobile.
Look, our fairy tale is a mess, there are pictures scattered on the floor.
Let's stretch our fingers to help Zvenelochka clean up.
Sing the mosquito song z-zz-zzz
I I. Automation of the sound [z] in syllables.
Zvenelochka asks that your fingers say hello to the syllable for, zo
Now sing her a song with the syllable zu
IV Game “Say it Correctly”
Pictures with the sound [z] in their names are scattered on the floor.
Speech therapist. Let's help Zvenelochka clean up.
(The child picks up pictures from the floor)
Speech therapist. What is shown in the picture? (Child’s answer. Make sure the pronunciation is correct)
Speech therapist. Well done, he helped put things in order for Zvenelochka.
V Game “Living - Nonliving”
First, name the words denoting living objects, and then - inanimate ones.
VI Game "Photographer"
Using a magic camera, “photograph” (memorize) as many pictures as possible and name the “photographed” pictures.
VII. Game "Say the right word"
(development of phonemic hearing, attention,).
Speech therapist. Look, while we were putting things in order, Zvenelochka was thinking about something. Listen carefully and say what Zvenelochka dreams of when you hear the right word.
shamok - shamok - lock
(Child's answer).
Speech therapist. That's right, Zvenelochka dreams of a castle.
VIII. Game "Fun Train".
Dividing words into syllables, determining the number of syllables in a word (formation of the syllabic structure of a word).
Speech therapist. Name each passenger, emphasizing the sound [z]. Clap your hands for the number of syllables in each word, and you will find out who will ride in which carriage (on the card there is an image of a train with carriages and pictures.
Well done, all the passengers have taken their seats and are rushing to visit Zvenelochka. Zvenelochka says thank you for your help.
IX. Summary of the lesson.
House. exercise.
Speech therapist. And I have a gift for you: pictures - coloring books, circle the dots at home and color them beautifully.
This concludes our lesson, you did great today! I liked how clearly you pronounced the sound [Z] in words and completed all the tasks correctly.
You did well today, I liked how you listened carefully and answered questions.
Summary of GCD in the preparatory group “Sound and letter Z”
Summary of GCD for children in the pre-school group “Sound and letter Z”
Author of the summary of GCD: Galina Borisovna Titarenko, speech therapist, MBDOU MO Krasnodar “Kindergarten No. 68” Objectives of the priority educational area: “Speech development” Formation of lexical and grammatical skills means of language. Improving the sound side of speech in the areas of pronunciation, perception and expressiveness. Mastering the elements of literacy. Development of coherent speech skills (training dialogic and monologue speech). Educational area: “Speech development” Objectives of OO in integration: “Social-communicative”, “Cognitive”, “Speech” Educational: automation of the correct pronunciation of the sound “Z”, improving the skill of syllabic analysis and synthesis, improving the skill of reading syllables and words, improving grammatical structure of speech. Developmental: develop the grammatical structure of speech, phonemic perception, tempo-rhythmic side of speech, develop attention, memory, logical thinking, articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, develop technical skills in working with a pencil. Educational: to form mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. Prerequisites for educational activities: to develop the ability to listen and understand the speech of an adult, the development of attention, memory, thinking, to develop independence in finding ways to solve new problems, to be fluent in verbal means of communication, the ability to adequately perceive the assessment of an adult and a peer, to develop perseverance when completing a task. Equipment for the teacher - speech therapist: magnetic board, typesetting canvas, subject pictures (umbrella, goat, castle, tongue, teeth, bunny, mimosa, catfish), character and attributes of a surprise moment (Dunno, letter, notebook). Equipment for children : cut alphabet, bells, notebook, colored pencils, album sheet. Introductory part (motivational, preparatory stage) Guys, now I’ll tell you riddles (as you guess, the guessing pictures are put on the typesetting canvas): Doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, and doesn’t let you into the house (lock). Red doors in my cave, White animals sit at the doors. Both meat and bread - all my spoils - I gladly give to the white animals (teeth) The grain scattered by night, They looked in the morning - there is nothing (stars) He reveals himself, He closes you. As soon as the rain passes - It will do everything the other way around (umbrella) - What is the same sound heard in all these words? (sound Z). — clarification of sound articulation; - choral pronunciation of sound; - characteristics of sound (consonant, whistling, hard, sonorous) Main part (substantive, active stage) Knock on the door. Dunno appears with an envelope. - Hello guys! I was told that you are becoming familiar with sounds. -What sound are you familiar with? (with the sound Z) - Is there a Z sound in my name? (yes) Yes, Dunno! Children know and hear sound, look - the sound is distinguished by ear (the bell rings) - in syllables - SA, ZA, AZ, ZHA, ZU, OS - in words - beetle, soup, tooth, hall, vase, castle, scales, bitches Game “4 extra” umbrella – castle – winter – teeth. - Guys, I also want to play with you, repeat after me: Za-za-za - go home goat Zo-zo-zo - Zoya is lucky Zu-zu-zu - I'm herding the goat Zy-zy-zy - we wash the basins. Dunno, but the guys can determine the place of a sound in a word. Pronouncing pictures on a panel, selecting pictures with the sound “Z” - at the beginning, middle, end. Game “Correct the mistake” - a picture with the sound “C” (som). Why doesn't this picture fit? (because there is no sound “Z”) Game “Pick up an object” ringing, ringing, ringing Game “1-2-5” - ringing ringing Physical education minute The hostess threw the bunny (hands to cheeks). The bunny was left in the rain (spread your arms to the sides, palms up). I couldn’t get off the bench, I was completely wet (raise my shoulders). The sun came out from behind the clouds (raise your hands up, rejoice in the sun) Our bunny dried up and off we went. The bunny jumps quickly (jumps on the spot), you catch him (sit down in their seats). Dunno: “Guys, I brought you my notebook, check if I wrote it correctly?” I love to ride...swing. Zoya came a beautiful dress. The dog is a booth. Nest...branch. The apples are in the…basket. Guys, I also want to win a prize in the “The Smartest” program, but I can’t cope with your “Confusion” game. Help me please! - Guys, let's help Dunno! Game “Confusion” Sits, bush, behind, bunny - Peeking, from behind, bush, bunny - Behind, goes, winter, autumn - Introducing the letter Z The letter Z and the number three, Like two sisters. Look carefully: We write Z as the number three. Working with a split alphabet: - laying out syllables, words - drawing up diagrams for these words. Development of fine motor skills: I’ll open the notebook and put it in the right way. I won’t hide it from you, I’ll take the pencil correctly. I’ll sit straight, I won’t bend, and I’ll get down to business. - typing letters in a notebook. Dunno, our children can divide words into syllables. Game “Telegraph” - with clapping (children put pictures on the panel, for a given number of syllables).
Checking the correctness of the task Final part (reflective stage)
Game “Say a word” The forests hide many troubles, There is a wolf, a bear and a fox! Our animal lives in anxiety, running away from trouble. Come on, guess quickly, What is the animal’s name?.../bunny/ Mikhail climbed up an oak tree, So that the doctor wouldn’t pull it out.../tooth/ Roof in a fur hat, White smoke overhead. Yard in the snow. White at home. At night.../winter/ The game “Sound Lost” . The hunter shouted: “Oh! The doors (animals) are chasing me!” Words - me. yk, . ont, . uby, co. ah, gne. before, . aika, . amok. Guys, let's give Dunno a drawing where we will depict a letter. Lure this bird to our album page. (children sketch the letter, admire the drawings, then give it to Dunno). Guys, let's repeat Dunno! - What sound and letter did you become familiar with? - What is he like? — What did you like about our work today? Well done to you all today! Clap for yourself!
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Sound setting [z]
Creates an imaginary situation:—
I didn’t want to come to your lesson alone, we went to class with a hare. But unfortunately, he couldn’t pass, he needed to leave urgently, but he gave me an envelope, although I don’t know what’s in it. Let's watch?
(opens the envelope and takes out emoticons).
- Guys, look what friends the hare sent us (takes out emoticons from the envelope).
- So that they don’t get bored, let’s play with them a little. Let's show the same emotions that emoticons depict.
- What exercises did we do now?
- Why did we do these exercises?
- I think our emoticons are tired and we will give them a rest.
The next exercise we will do is a breathing exercise. Let's learn to breathe correctly.
We take the pinwheels in our hands, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. We direct the air stream at the turntable so that it begins to spin.
— We breathe correctly: we don’t puff out our cheeks, we don’t raise our shoulders, we inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
- What were we doing with you now?
- Why did we do it?
Our emoticons have rested and now they want to go for a walk in the forest and invites us to join them.
— We are walking along a forest path. A light breeze is blowing, the trees in the forest stand calmly (shows a picture of a tree).
The wind blows quietly, like this: “
[ u] quietly and for a long time ).
- Let's show together how a light breeze blows.
- Here we come to a forest clearing. And suddenly a strong wind blew, the trees began to sway (shows a picture of a tree bending from the wind
The wind hummed loudly: “ oo-oo-oo
(pronounces this sound loudly and for a long time).
- Let's show together how a strong wind blows.
- And now I will show you pictures. When I show 1 picture, you will depict a light breeze, and when 2, you will depict a strong wind.
- What were we doing now?
— What did you learn by doing this exercise?
“You and I had a nice walk in the forest and now we’re going home.”
When I went to class, I really wanted to show you the unusual beads that I made with my own hands, but unfortunately, they fell apart. Please help me collect them. (self-massage)
- What were we doing now?
- Why did you do it?
— Our emotions are somehow bored. They invite us to do articulatory gymnastics:
- "Smile-pipe."
- “Let’s paint the lower fence.”
- "Pancake."
- "Needle"
- "Delicious jam"
What were we doing now?
- That's right, you're great. Emotions really liked the way you performed articulatory gymnastics.