Goal: to consolidate the pronunciation of the sound L in syllables, words and sentences using tactile-kinesthetic stimulation (the “Talking Palms” manual, made from modules of the Kuznetsov applicator).
Correctional and educational: clarifying the correct pronunciation of the sound L in syllables, words and sentences; an exercise in determining the presence of the L sound in words; formation of grammatical categories: R.P. and T.P. nouns with prepositions, an exercise in the formation of possessive adjectives, prefixed verbs. Strengthening the ability to select antonyms-adjectives.
Correctional and developmental: development of prosodic components of speech; articulatory, fine and gross motor skills; phonemic awareness; memory, attention, verbal and logical thinking.
Correctional and educational: increasing the child’s self-esteem; nurturing skills of self-control and interest in words.
Equipment: manual “Talking Palms”, made from Kuznetsov applicator modules; computer, program “Learn to speak correctly”; picture “Island” (with detachable details - chest lids from the manual by S.V. Leonova “Games for the development of speech exhalation”); subject cut-out pictures “Animals”, cards and envelopes with tasks.
GCD move:
- Organizing time. Today we will go on a boat trip. We'll have to talk a lot there. Let's get well prepared. Rub your palms until warm.
- Facial massage with wave-like movements:
Across the seas and oceans From the middle of the forehead to the temples.
I will sail as captain. Around the orbicularis oculi muscles from the bridge of the nose to the temples
I will conquer the waves, along the muscles of the cheeks from the wings of the nose to the temples.
A wonderful island to discover. From the middle of the chin to the ears.
3.Articulation gymnastics.
Opened the tongue of the Control window. "Window"
Looked at the sun Ex. "Spatula"
He bit and scratched himself so as not to freeze Ex. "Punish your tongue"
I decided to clean the house Ex. "Brush - sweep"
And he ran to ride on the swing Ex. "Swing"
I wanted to ride my tongue down the hill Ex. "Sail"
And then he ran to the skating rink. "Painter"
What a clever tongue!
It's time to go on a journey. Let's go on a boat. We give a farewell whistle (Exercise: “The ship is buzzing”: L___). Have you guessed which sound you will pronounce correctly?
4. You are the captain, and this is the control panel of the ship (the “Talking Palms” manual). Your fingers will help you.
Let's prepare our voice and sing the vowel sounds: A, O, U, I, Y, E (the child alternately, starting with the thumb, presses the fingers of both hands to the applicator modules for each vowel sound).
5. Syllable warm-up. We went out to the open sea. The waves are calmly splashing: LA-LO, LU-LY, LY-LE...Big waves are coming: PLA-PLO, GLO-GLU, KLY-KLE...Sharks jump out of the water with a splash: ALK-OLK, ULK-ILK, OLC-ELK ... Cormorants fly and shout: ALA-ALO, ULA-ULY, ILA-ILE... Swallows soar low: SLY-SLY? SLO-SLO? EVIL-EVIL?...
(The child pronounces syllable chains by pressing his fingers to the applicator while pronouncing vowel sounds.)
6. Game “Catch the sound L”. Now let’s go to the cabin and play the game “Hear the sound L” (a series of words, the program “Learn to speak correctly”).
7. Gymnastics for the eyes.
Let's follow the route of our ship (a paper figurine is attached to the end of the pointer. The child performs eye movements in four main directions, following the pointer). Now you can close your eyes tightly and blink. Then make a “boat” with your palms, blow into it and place your palms on your eyes.
8. Automation of the sound L in words and phrases.
These pictures depict what surrounds us on our journey. Name them, clearly pronouncing the sound L. (The child pronounces: shark, cormorant, swallow, waves, raft, motor ship, flag, chocolate, apple). Now answer my questions in complete sentences:
-What's to the left of the apple? What's under the shark? What's above the raft? What's between a cormorant and a ship?
9. Physical exercise “Dolphins”.
10.And a sorcerer lives on this island. Everything around is enchanted, no one is there. It would be necessary to disenchant everything. What to do? Blow on the lid of the first chest, let it open slightly (tasks from the first envelope; images of animals are collected from parts of cut pictures and mounted on a flannelgraph). Look what unusual animals live here. Tell me, whose head is it and whose tail is it? (For example, this animal has a moose head and a wolf tail). This is how the child names the body parts of all animals.
- Now break the spell on them. (The child collects the correct images of animals and names them)
11.Blow on the lid of the second chest. Let's play the game "Say the other way around." Do you think this sorcerer is good? (No, evil) - Are these chests empty? (No, they are full) Is the sea shallow? (No, deep) Is the apple salted? (Sweet)
12. All that remains is to blow on the lid of the third chest. It turns out that the sorcerer bewitched the words in the sentences. Shall we fix them? We complete the tasks from the third envelope. Game "Fix Me":
The tree walked near the elk. The pancakes ate Mila. The well approached Pavel. There was a puddle sitting near the pigeons. The horse galloped on its rider.
13. It's time for us to set sail. Take your seat. Let's send a telegram home. Speak and help yourself with your fingers. What are we doing now? (Swimming) What did we do from the island? (We set sail) And soon we will swim to the shore (what will we do?).
(The child pronounces the words, pronouncing the sound L in an exaggerated manner and pressing his fingers to the applicator while pronouncing vowel sounds).
14. Summary.
Did you enjoy the trip? What sound helped you speak correctly?