Rules of the game Choose and name The game is conducted by one of the adults: a kindergarten teacher, a teacher,
Speech therapy games on lexical topics “ONE - MANY” Objectives: formation of plural nouns in
If you think that your child is not yet old enough to master the basics
Tags: Speech therapy, Speech development, Development Methods and effective techniques for producing different sounds Getting started
Nadezhda Matveeva Exercises for the development of phonemic awareness Exercises for the development of phonemic awareness. Formation
Breathing is the energetic basis of spoken speech. The formation of speech breathing largely depends on the development of speech breathing.
Speech therapy group in kindergarten The goals of speech therapy classes are the formation and correction of speech disorders
Home / Blog / Note to speakers: How to develop speech breathing and become the best
From the first minutes of life, the baby finds himself in a society where there are certain rules, relationships, forms
Pictogram (from Latin pictus - “drawn” and Greek gramma - “record”, “written sign”) -