Reading lesson (learning to read and write) in 1st grade “Sound [zh], letters Zh, zh”

Goal: Acquaintance with the sound and letter “F” .


  1. Strengthen the ability to identify the first sound in words.
  2. Practice sound-letter analysis of the words BEETLE, TOAD;
  3. Develop thinking, imagination, phonemic perception, fine motor skills;
  4. Develop the ability to listen to comrades and respect their opinions.

Equipment: letter card “F” , counting sticks, toys (ball, beetle, toad), “dry pool” with vowels, easel with subject pictures (banana, orange, pear, crane, chamomile, dandelion, giraffe,

beetle, heron, stork, swallow), puzzles, handouts (diagrams, letter Z), colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson.

Ι. Organizing time. The children stand in a semicircle. Speech therapist: - Guys, I suggest you play the game “Transformations” . I will turn you into something or someone, and you try to portray it with gestures, facial expressions or movements (beetle, toad, greedy). Who is called "greedy" ? How the “greedy person” say about the pictures located on the easel?

(my) banana, (my) orange, (my) pear, (my) crane.

(my) chamomile, (my) dandelion, (my) giraffe.

(my) beetle, (my) heron, (my) stork, (my) swallow.

Game “Name the odd one out” . Speech therapist: - Look at the rows of pictures, name the extra picture in them: (crane, giraffe, beetle). Think and tell me how the names of the pictures are similar? (in the names of the pictures you can hear the sound “Zh” at the beginning of the word).

ΙΙ. Main part.

1. Game exercise “How does a beetle buzz?”

Speech therapist: - Who buzzes like that: w-w-w-w? (showing a beetle toy). Buzz like bugs. (Clarification of the pronunciation of the sound “F” ).

- Describe the sound “F” (consonant, hard, voiced). Does he have a soft brother? (No).

2. Game “The first sound is gone” (with a ball).

Speech therapist: - The beetle wants to play a game with you. Try to guess the words from which the first sound “Zh” (*ara, *alo, *uk, *aba, *adina, *avoronok). Whoever I throw the ball to is the one who answers.

ΙΙΙ. Dynamic pause. The speech therapist pronounces the tongue twister “Bug” :

The beetle fell and could not get up,

He is waiting for someone to help him.

Kinesiological exercise “Cross movements” .

Then he invites the children to depict beetles that lie on their backs, with their paws up, and perform cross movements with them (alternating contact of the knee of the right leg with the elbow of the left hand and the knee of the left leg with the elbow of the right hand).

ΙV. Introducing the letter.

1. Speech therapist: - The beetle wants to introduce you to his favorite letter. (Appearance of the letter “F” ).

This letter is wide

And it looks like a beetle.

And at the same time it’s definitely a beetle

Makes a buzzing sound: w-w-w-w. –

— How many elements does a letter consist of?

2. Laying out the letter of the counting sticks.

3. Game "Friendship" . — The vowels that are hidden in the “dry pool” (from beans) like to visit “Zh” Find the vowels and make friends with the letter “Zh” . What happened, tell me? (zha, zho, zhu, zhe, zhe, zhu)

4. Speech therapist: - The beetle has a girlfriend. Who is she? Guess by reading the letters in descending order of letters: from capital letter to small letter. (toad).

5. Speech therapist: - They have prepared puzzles for you.

The first puzzle is “Find a word in a word” . (In the word LARK: heat, raven).

The second rebus “Connect correctly” . Children are invited to work with handouts:

Speech therapist: - Name the sounds in order in the names of the pictures (beetle, toad). Choose a suitable sound scheme and connect it with a line to the picture. Color the sound diagram of the words with colored pencils (according to the sound characteristic).

V. Reflection “Shade the letter.”

Speech therapist: - What letter did we meet? (AND). Friends of the letter “F” give it to you. Shade it with straight horizontal lines.

Farewell to the toad and beetle.

Summary of a literacy lesson on the topic “Introduction to the letter Z”

Literacy lesson using ICT “Sound [g]. Letters Zh, zh"


Primary School


introduce new consonant sounds and letters.


  • characterize the sound, show a visual image of a letter, create conditions for consolidating the skill of syllabic reading;
  • promote the development of attention and phonemic hearing;
  • promote a caring attitude towards insects.


  • cards: “consonants”, “vowels”;
  • subject pictures - suns for reflection,
  • card with the letters Zh, zh;
  • portrait of a beetle for homework,
  • cards with tongue twisters.


  • computer,
  • media projector,
  • screen,
  • columns.


1. Organizational moment.

- Good morning, guys! I am very pleased to see you today. Smile at each other and wish each other a good mood.

— In order for you to succeed today, you need to prepare your body. Let's do a head massage: rub your palms together and massage your head with warm fingers. Let's wash our hands and shake it off. Let's rub our palms again and stroke our ears so that we listen carefully. Let's massage the edges of the ears. Fold back the top edge and let go. Let's wash our hands again and shake it off. Let’s breathe: inhale and as you exhale say abruptly “and-and-and-and...”.

- What's your mood?

2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson

(presentation 1)

— Do you guys like to solve riddles? And I really like to make riddles about them.

Guess the riddles, if the answer is correct, we will see the answer ( SLIDE No. 3)

- He lives in a dense forest, He himself is round and prickly. Guess who it is? Well, of course, it’s (Hedgehog).

- It’s easy for us to recognize him, It’s easy to recognize him: He is tall and sees far away (giraffe).

-Long-legged, long-necked, long-beaked, gray in body, walks and wanders through the swamps, looks for frogs there, catches them (crane)

- How can you call everyone in one word?

-Say all the words. How are all the words similar? ([and])

-And who is this? (SLIDE No. 4)

3. Setting a learning task

- Why do you think all words have the same sound?

- What would you call our lesson?

— What would you like to learn in class today?

4. Characteristics of sound [g].

- How do you know what sound it is? (SLIDE No. 5) Making a plan.


- Turn to each other and say the sound [zh] (articulation)

- What do you need to do to say this sound?

-What sound is that? (consonant)

— What else do you need to know about sound? (listening with headphones)

- How is the sound pronounced? (loudly)

- Let's listen to how the sound is pronounced in words. Game “Catch the Sound”.

RULES: I will name words, if you hear the sound [zh] in a word, clap. Be careful.

  • Jacket, shirt, T-shirt
  • Scarf, vest, hat
  • Shorts, breeches, pants
  • Pants, socks, jeans

- Where did you hear the sound, how is it pronounced? How can you call it in one word?

Tell us what you learned about the sound [zh]?

— We learned about sound, we can also get acquainted with the letter with which it is written. (SLIDE No. 6) .

Why is there no letter? I think that the beetle will be pleased to listen to the poem, and we will rest a little.

Physical exercise.

On the lawn, among the daisies, a beetle flew in a colored shirt: Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, I am friends with daisies. I sway quietly in the wind, I bend low, low.

5. Letters Ж, Ж. Reading syllables with them.

- Here is the letter Z. What does the letter look like? (SLIDE No. 6)

This letter is wide and looks like a beetle. And at the same time, it’s like a beetle makes a buzzing sound: Zh-zh-zh-zh-zh-zh! (S.Ya.Marshak)

- We also have the letters Z in our room. Find them (the children disperse around the class, looking for
the letters that the teacher previously hid in different places; you can also hide the letters X, K).
— The beetle on the daisy left us the syllables. Let's read them. (SLIDE No. 7)

— The beetle showed us only one letter. But the letter Zh has a pair (show card Zh, zh)

When do words begin with a capital letter Z?

Let's test your knowledge. Let's play the game “Big and Little”.

RULES: if a word needs to be written with a capital letter, we reach for the sun, and if with a small letter, we squat. Be careful.

Bug, giraffe, crane, Zhenya, bug, Zhanna, acorn, yolk, Zhuravlev.

6. Consolidation.

- Guys, the beetle introduced us to the letter, showed us the syllables, and we found out what the beetle is called. Do you want to know? You can read about this in the tongue twister (SLIDE No. 8).

— In our nature there are many beetles called ground beetles. Almost all of them are predators. Ground beetles hunt mainly at night. The beetle happily eats caterpillars.

Many people, having found a ground beetle in their cellar, angrily kill it, not knowing that it does not eat vegetables, but rather destroys their pests. Beetles are found on trees. Beetles climb on them in search of butterfly caterpillars, which they feed on. Ground beetles are of great benefit by destroying forest and garden pests. (Booklet for gardeners, appendix 1)

7. Lesson summary

- What was the name of our lesson? Why?

8. Reflection

-Continue the sentences ( SLIDE No. 9)

- Give the beetle a sun: if you think that you worked hard in the lesson and everything worked out for you, give the sun of the color that has the sound [zh] in its name. Picture 1.

And if you’re not entirely happy with your answers, the sun is the color whose name doesn’t have the [zh] sound.

9. Homework

— The beetle gives you its portrait as a souvenir. Unfortunately there was no colored paper, so the portrait is black and white. If you want, paint over those parts that contain the letter Z. If you are not mistaken, you will get a color portrait of a beetle and you will see how different the letter Z can be.

Figure 2.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Lesson summary on the topic “Sound and the letter “F”.

Goal: Acquaintance with the sound and letter “F” .


  1. Strengthen the ability to identify the first sound in words.
  2. Practice sound-letter analysis of the words BEETLE, TOAD;
  3. Develop thinking, imagination, phonemic perception, fine motor skills;
  4. Develop the ability to listen to comrades and respect their opinions.

Equipment: letter card “F” , counting sticks, toys (ball, beetle, toad), “dry pool” with vowels, easel with subject pictures (banana, orange, pear, crane, chamomile, dandelion, giraffe,

beetle, heron, stork, swallow), puzzles, handouts (diagrams, letter Z), colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson.

Ι. Organizing time. The children stand in a semicircle. Speech therapist: - Guys, I suggest you play the game “Transformations” . I will turn you into something or someone, and you try to portray it with gestures, facial expressions or movements (beetle, toad, greedy). Who is called "greedy" ? How the “greedy person” say about the pictures located on the easel?

(my) banana, (my) orange, (my) pear, (my) crane.

(my) chamomile, (my) dandelion, (my) giraffe.

(my) beetle, (my) heron, (my) stork, (my) swallow.

Game “Name the odd one out” . Speech therapist: - Look at the rows of pictures, name the extra picture in them: (crane, giraffe, beetle). Think and tell me how the names of the pictures are similar? (in the names of the pictures you can hear the sound “Zh” at the beginning of the word).

ΙΙ. Main part.

1. Game exercise “How does a beetle buzz?”

Speech therapist: - Who buzzes like that: w-w-w-w? (showing a beetle toy). Buzz like bugs. (Clarification of the pronunciation of the sound “F” ).

- Describe the sound “F” (consonant, hard, voiced). Does he have a soft brother? (No).

2. Game “The first sound is gone” (with a ball).

Speech therapist: - The beetle wants to play a game with you. Try to guess the words from which the first sound “Zh” (*ara, *alo, *uk, *aba, *adina, *avoronok). Whoever I throw the ball to is the one who answers.

ΙΙΙ. Dynamic pause. The speech therapist pronounces the tongue twister “Bug” :

The beetle fell and could not get up,

He is waiting for someone to help him.

Kinesiological exercise “Cross movements” .

Then he invites the children to depict beetles that lie on their backs, with their paws up, and perform cross movements with them (alternating contact of the knee of the right leg with the elbow of the left hand and the knee of the left leg with the elbow of the right hand).

ΙV. Introducing the letter.

1. Speech therapist: - The beetle wants to introduce you to his favorite letter. (Appearance of the letter “F” ).

This letter is wide

And it looks like a beetle.

And at the same time it’s definitely a beetle

Makes a buzzing sound: w-w-w-w. –

— How many elements does a letter consist of?

2. Laying out the letter of the counting sticks.

3. Game "Friendship" . — The vowels that are hidden in the “dry pool” (from beans) like to visit “Zh” Find the vowels and make friends with the letter “Zh” . What happened, tell me? (zha, zho, zhu, zhe, zhe, zhu)

4. Speech therapist: - The beetle has a girlfriend. Who is she? Guess by reading the letters in descending order of letters: from capital letter to small letter. (toad).

5. Speech therapist: - They have prepared puzzles for you.

The first puzzle is “Find a word in a word” . (In the word LARK: heat, raven).

The second rebus “Connect correctly” . Children are invited to work with handouts:

Speech therapist: - Name the sounds in order in the names of the pictures (beetle, toad). Choose a suitable sound scheme and connect it with a line to the picture. Color the sound diagram of the words with colored pencils (according to the sound characteristic).

V. Reflection “Shade the letter.”

Speech therapist: - What letter did we meet? (AND). Friends of the letter “F” give it to you. Shade it with straight horizontal lines.

Farewell to the toad and beetle.

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